amazon scours the countryside for gigi's underwear

So I had an underwear revolution where I ordered an assortment of bras from amazon and test drove them. I should have gotten a clue when I ordered two of one brand and one came in a small mailing bag and the other came in a box that was at least 12x18x3 – for ONE bra! I am not THAT well-endowed.

I settled on a make and model and bought many at once, which thankfully came in maybe two boxes. It went so well, and our local stores are so wanting, that I went ahead and ordered five packs of underpants.

Five separate shipping notifications later, I await five packages of one pack of underwear each. I can’t wait to see the variety and abundance of packaging materials.

Maybe next time, five drones in an airshow-type display over my house.

Let’s just hope they’re not scouring the countryside WITH your underwear. Or perhaps that’s why there are so many packages - each undie is scouring a different part of the countryside!

That’s some abrasive chonies, I tell you what.

I’m pretty fat – maybe they are making like Christo and draping the countryside with my undies. :eek:

“amazon scours the countryside for gigi’s underwear”

Have they tried London and France?

Sounds like something that happened to me once.
I had picked up a couple of cute nightshirts at K-Mart. Once I realized I really liked them, I went on-line to K-Mart’s website and found them on sale for something like $7 each. So I decided to stock up and I ordered 5 of them.

I really didn’t pay much attention when I got multiple shipping confirmations, I figured it as a glitch.
Then I came home from work and found a 5 foot tall stack of boxes outside the door to my apartment. At the bottom of each box, underneath tons of packing material, was a single nightshirt.

All 5 boxes had shipped from the same location, so it wasn’t a case of them not all being in stock at the same warehouse. And each box had its own paperwork and invoice and UPS tracking number. I had to borrow a cart from the building super to lug away all the boxes and packing material.
Did I mention that I got free shipping? I really don’t know how they made any money on that order.

Did they “look under there”?

“Under where?”

Probably didn’t. K-Mart is broke.

heh those android shopping apps are worse… we use one called geek …the prices are great for the “as seen on tv” and QVC type of stuff but 1 you don’t know where it comes from exactly and two it literatly comes on a slow boat from china

like one thing is those nylon hoses that shrivel back up … the one we seen in target was 19.99 for like 10 ft and we found the exact same thing but 30 feet for 15.99

Just to close the loop, I got five packages today, all from the same fulfillment center address in Kentucky. One cardboard box, two plastic bags smaller size, one plastic bag larger size, and one padded envelope.

I was bemoaning the silliness of it and the PO guy said he gets that a lot.

Lookie there, life is fair;
gigi got her underwear!

We know that the Amazon fulfillment centre is a really tough place to work, where you’re on the run continuously (for minimum wage, and on-location on your own time). We know that productivity (speed) is continuously and relentlessly monitored.

This is the result.

I’ve seen the footage where disparate objects are placed side by side in the warehouses, but wouldn’t they put the box of underwear packages in one place? Allowing them to grabfiveandputthemallinonebagandgogogo?

I think that they’ve emphasied getting the product out as fast as possible, and seperation of job skills. If there is only 1, they will pack and send it. It’s sombody elses job to locate the next box. More stock later in the shift? Pack and send. Distributed stock? Pack and send. No correct packaging? Pack and sent. - somebody elses job to supply packaging. somebody elses job to consolidate.