Ambassador to the Stars

I would pick someone who has a history of broadminded exposure to new cultures, embracing them and explaining them to us. Probably a travelling food writer/presenter. Probably Rick Stein.

I’m actually half serious. To an alien, our food culture will probably look like one of the top three human activities. It really is a cookbook.

Not to fight the hypothetical, but I wouldn’t assume that a single ambassador is necessarily the right way to go.
So if I’m picking one person, I’m picking someone that would be a good first point of contact but would be good at directing them towards other sources / experts. IME scientists are pretty good at knowing the limits of their own knowledge and who would be good to talk to about X.
I’ll second Neil Degrasse Tyson, and also throw in Richard Dawkins as an option.

It was the aliens that said “Send us one representative of your species!”-sorry.

^ How do you know they weren’t talking to the humpback whales?


A crowbar?)

I’d send a child.

We’d all but practically be children compared to their intellects and technology. May as well appeal to their sense of innocence, so much as advanced aliens might have one.

What better way to show our potential? I think I like this one.

I wish Fred Rogers were still alive. (“It’s a beautiful day in the universe…”)

Working with those still alive, how about David Brin?