Well now Spike Lee is involved. He claimed this morning that Justin Tinkerbell and Janet Jackson’s pornographic behavior marks a new low for entertainers and speaks to a decline in artistry in America.
Well he has the artistry part right. For me the new low occurred when that skinny castrato beat the legendary Johnny Cash for Artist of the Year. But all of this talk of horror at the sight of a nipple to me marks a new degeneration of a stupid and paranoid population.
Why this enduring controversy over a split second, long distance flash of a nipple covered by a silver pasty?
WHY dammit why!!!
I just want to illustrate just how utterly pathetic the offended population is.
Why this endless outrage over what amounts to a weak publicity stunt by a pansy, no-talent sissy boy and the non-fucked up Jackson trying to save two careers that are slowly circling the bowl bothers me to no end.
To me it speaks volumes about a nation that is completely and totally bass-ackwards and terrified of its own sexuality.
I’m not sure what they put in the water but North Americans are one foot above Muslims on the sexual paranoia ladder. The sheer outrage at the briefest glimpse of a booby during a football game is both sickening and strangely humorous. How many times have I seen that fat ass with his naked chest painted with the team’s official colors or the shot of five of his buddies spelling out a name on the man-tits? Why doesn’t anyone say anything then? They’re bigger and are far more outrageous. At least Janet’s were somewhat perky.
The incident reminded me of an article I read shortly after Titanic was released. Some Republican family buffoon in the U.S. (Where else) wrote into Time Magazine to express his horror at the film’s PG rating. He explained that the film depicted blatant nudity, sexuality and was inappropriate for children.
Funny, he didn’t seem to mind the over one thousand people who perished during the film, including a scene in which over eight hundred of them are seen floating dead and frozen in the North Atlantic. It was a booby that was shown within the context of the drawing of a still life that got his flag-waving Christian ire up.
Only in America.
This nipple-gate controversy is stupid and useless. Now there is a full investigation pending. MTV is loosing sponsorship and Janet has apparently borrowed her brother’s Vaseline-encrusted video camera to tape and broadcast an official apology. CBS is passing the buck, The Grammies are being filmed with a ten second delay to edit out any offensive copycat antics and Conservative groups in the Midwest have cancelled upcoming shows by both performers.
What morons!
I know I l know, here comes the part where I praise the Europeans. But it’s true I tell you. Soap commercials, soap operas and family television depict full frontal nudity with a graceful ease. Erotica is seen on regular TV and the population is surprisingly cool with it……almost as if it was natural.
I’m not sure if there is a direct relation but youth crime rates are lower and violence is not as severe. It’s no coincidence that most of America’s most violent serial killers came from strict, conservative Christian families. Ed Gein’ s mother repeatedly drilled into him how evil, manipulative and seductive women were. He was denied his natural inklings and told they were sins throughout his life and we all know what he wound up doing.
But that is another rant.
I agree that artistry in America is a mile wide and an inch deep at best. The airwaves are clogged with repetitive, commercialist, empty, vapid digital shit. But this new low that Spike is talking about is foolish and stupid in every way. North Americans are terrified of sex and would rather expose a child to gory, masochistic violence than let them see the beauty of the feminine form.
Hell, now they are putting fig leaves over the genitals of nude paintings and placing kilts over naked statues of Vulcan.
For all of this talk about North America being strong, the argument doesn’t hold a lot of weight when headlines are clogged for three days over a half-second flicker of a nipple. If that is all it takes to grind America’s attention to a halt, what chance does it have for survival?
I see a large iceberg on the horizon.