american beheaded in Iraq, video

I guess I am the first to post this.
On Fox news they showed the beginning of a video that is running on an arab web site of a man Nick Berg, who went to Iraq, they beheaded him.
They only showed him sitting there, on the news, of course, but the reporters watched it. :mad: :frowning:

looks up We must have simul-posted.

Just reading about this now.

Horrible, fucking horrible.

CNN has it, too.

Fucking terrorist bastards. And tell you what, fuck anyone that says we brought this on ourselves with the torture shit, too.

Naked posing, electrodes, pile-ons, ect != throat cutting and beheading.

think, it might not equal it, but it’s called snowball effect. You knew they were on the edge anyway, and the abuses pushed them over.

It’s the worst, but it’s going to get worse than the worst.

This action is just going to encourage a similar REACTION and the cycle continues.

Get the fuck out of there NOW.

The Concocted News Network, of course, left out part of the statement.

So as you can see, it really is our fault.

if we got out now, wouldn’t that just look like they scared us out?
You can’t give in and run. Not because of that.

Oh, bullshit. The radical elements exeecuted 4 Americans and hung their bodies up at trophies before the news of the prisoner abuse broke. The subhuman fucks who get off on stuff like this would continue to do it even if the only thing ever done in prison was to serve Iraqi prisoners tea and cookies.

Not that I"m saying we did, but there are homicide investigations under way for prisoners who were apparently beaten to death.

This is just fucking horrible.

Great, now they’re going to beat their asses more in prison, and that will result in further beheadings, which will result in more prison asswhippings, which will result in more beaheadings…

I liked things better when SH was in power.

No shit dave that’s why I said they were already on edge. Anything on the planet could have set them off, but abusing and raping prisoners sure didn’t help.

And tell me, do you think this sickening and atrocious incident is going to encourage or discourage better prisoner/guard relations?

Please be careful to note that I am not blaming us for the incident, nor absolving anyone of responsibility or blame, simply saying that violence begets violence, and if you think this is going to be the worst of it, baby you’re crazy.

Invasion shit. We brought this on ourselves with the invasion shit.

So…what do you propose? That we go blow some shit up, pound our chest and proclaim “we ain’t afeared of you, camel jockey!”

Seriously. We’ve bombed them, killed citizens, rounded up citizens, shut down “free” papers because of the message contained within, circled religious zealots in cities, and just generally oppressed the shit out of them. Now it comes out that we’re abusing the citizens we’ve rounded up, and they’d offered to exchange the prisoner for some detainees.

Our government refused to deal with them and that [allegedly] got that civilian killed.

We ought to leave. Our citizen’s lives are at stake, not just the president’s re-election.


With a name like “Berg,” that kid didn’t have a chance of survival. I doubt that the murderers offered to trade him to the US authorities when they could get a twofer, killing an American and a Jew at the same time.

And I’m certain that the Arabs everywhere are jubilant that an American got what they think we all deserve.

That’s the third paragraph of their story as of right now. (Accusations of media bias should probably generally wait 24 hours or so, to give things time to settle down a bit).

Well, obviously we brought this on ourselves, at least to an extent. Doesn’t mean that their reaction was justified. Doesn’t mean that beheading equals humiliating-fake-oral-sex-photos. But clearly this is a reaction. What’s your point?

Although I have no reason to believe that any of them may read the SDMB, my condolences to the family of the slain man for being subjected to such savagery.

Right, and while we’re at it, fuck anyone who claims that this ghastly behavior is representative of all Iraqis, or all Arabs in general, as some posters will no doubt attempt to do.

God has an excellent sorter. So I’m told.

just sayin. :slight_smile:

But I’ve been waiting several months to use “Concocted News Network”, well beyond your requirement.

What are American civilians doing in Iraq anyway, getting paid to die?

It’s still “the law of the jungle” in that hellhole country.

just 'cause you didn’t know about it until recently doesn’t mean that it wasn’t know there. according to the “timeline” link on this the first reported/prosecuted abuses happened in May of 2003. the ones in the photos happened between October and December of last year. The inquiry was first made public in January, just the photos were newly released. I’ve seen news footage of interviews w/some of the former prisoners (who’ve been released), so some of them are out of the prison - you think they didn’t tell anyone about it?

In addition there have been several homicides (autopsy rulings) - you think that the families of said former prisoners haven’t complained to their local folk?

thinksnow - you have, I assume, heard that Rumsey et al are saying that there’s much, much more, right? If you believe that ‘all’ that was done was strip the guys and take pictures, you’re wrong. even those at the top have been warning folks to brace themselves for the photos and videotapes that have yet to be released.

So, who is at fault for this man’s death? the persons weilding the knife. however attempting to suggest that we did nothing to exacerbate this very dangerous situation is idiotic.