American Idol (3/18): Movie Night

Contestant: I grew up in a very small town…we all know eachother, and everyone has been so supportive!

Four Old Women: Wooooo! Go Hometown Contestant!
Middle School Principal: All us Bearcats are behind our girl 110%!

Oh yeah, and to answer the question about whose music I’d pay to hear, I agree that it depends on what’s being sung/what style of music it is, but given only what we know of them so far, I’d have to say I’d most likely buy a recording by Vanessa Olivarez before any of the others. Then it’d be a tie between Ruben and Clay. Trenyce, eh, not so much. As previously stated by someone, I don’t detect any unique style to her. Vanessa, though, now there’s a girl with a fun and funky style that I could totally dig. And she’s got a great voice to boot (I’m still a bit stunned that she got voted out last week - especially over the likes of Corey Clark!).

RickJay asked:

I think you’re actually not too far off. There will be a Billy Joel week (he will apparently be the guest judge). They are trying to get Elton John as a guest judge as well so we can guess there might be an Elton John week. Etc.

WRT the “Theme” shows, according to, next week’s theme is “Top 10: Disco” (UGH!). Future themes are Mariah Carey, Billy Joel & Modern Pop. Where they get their info, I have no idea, so don’t beat me up if it turns out not to be true. How they could manage to do an entire show around Mariah Carey songs, I can’t begin to imagine (and am horrified even by the prospect!). But Billy Joel night would be really cool. Clay could bring the house down with “Always A Woman”.

Also, Vixenation, I’m totally with you on Kim Caldwell’s creepy looks. It’s definitely the eyebrows – I was thinking that very thing when I watched her last night. She desperately needs a professional to reshape them. Heck, she just needs a complete makeover – that '80s look went out, well, with the '80s!

I can’t believe Charles got voted off over Carmen AND Julia. He was far from great but they sucked eggs.

I was just saying that Kimberly C.'s eyebrows start too far from the inside of her nose. I’m surprised the makeup artists haven’t fixed that.

I was wrong on TWO counts and as to who will be elimated. However, I wasn’t surprised that Corey and Charles ended up in the bottom three. The only thing that shocked me was that Charles ended up voted off before a couple of the others…

I didn’t see it last night, but caught it tonight. It looks like Ruben and “Broadway” Clay are still the frontrunners.

What did Kim C. do to her hair? She looks like Olivia Newton john in the last scene of Grease.

I still think Julia is hot, even if she can’t sing.

I would give a large sum of money to see somebody kick that fat pig, Josh, right in the nuts.

Carmen seems really empty-headed to me.

Buh bye, charles.

How about all those AI losers from last year talking about their albums. Does anyone really care about a Ryann Starr album? Give me a break. Go bak to waiting tables at Dennys, honey.

How bad is that Kelly and Justin movie going to suck?

I hope Ruben wins. He seems like the only one who would have any legitimate business in a recording studio.

I only tuned in at the very last minute (damn the networks for running AI and Survivor at the same time!) and I saw it was down to Charles and Corey…who was the other person in the bottom three?

Julia was the other person.

Damn if Corey doesn’t look like the scuzziest person on earth. And I hate Joshua’s face when he sings. His eyebrows say sad, but his mouth says happy. Choose one!

I read a Television Without Pity recap every week. It’s hilarious.

I think a Michael Jackson week would be great. Because he hasn’t gotten enough publicity lately. I think Paula Abdul resembles him slightly, but no one else sees it.

Didn’t Corey do the whole “Ok Simon says I suck, but what did you guys (the crowd) think?!?” (huzzahs all around from the audience).

I’m fairly certain that this is the AI Kiss of Death. Justin did it, and hit the bottom three next vote. Julia tried it - and ditto (though there are obviously other factors). Now Co(rnrows)rey tries it (if I remember right), and suffers the same fate.

Free tip kids: Tell the producers to stick it and be polite and respectful to the judges. The sass hasn’t saved anyone yet! Unless you want to be servin’ “Blizzards” to the cheelrun at DQ, be nice. :smiley:

For some reason some girls think Corey is hot (as a guy, I can’t figure this out, neither can my g/f though). So, I think he was saved by the fact he was better looking than Charles.

I too am surprised that Charles was beat out by both Julia and Corey. He wasn’t great, but he did a better job than both of them by a long shot.

Oh, and Paula Abdul, you need to go for a hearing test. Corey sucks. Does he have some incriminating photos of you or something?

Is there anywhere to see the actual vote tallies? I took a quick look around, but didn’t see anywhere that they would post the numbers. I’m interested in how close things were between the contestants. I suspect Ruben, Trenyce and Clay are way ahead of the pack, and Julia, Corey and Charles were fairly close in the number of votes they received.

Vixenation, I agree that out of the top 12, Carmen is one of the best looking. I find Kimberly C’s mom to be quite scary looking, but I don’t think Kimberly is that bad.

As far as who would I pay money to hear, the only two are Clay and Ruben. It would depend on the type of music they were doing, but those are the two I enjoy listening to the most on the show.

I’m in the canoe with you, Vixenation, paddling away. I contend that Kimberly Caldwell is a clone of Kathie Lee Gifford and that makes her BAD. And for eyebrows, get a load of her mother! Creepiest. . . Eyebrows. . . Ever!

A Michael Jackson week would definitely benefit Ricky Smith (who my sister said is a black Gomer Pyle, a hee-hee-hee) and Mr. Falsetto himself, Corey Clark.

:eek: GADS! Her mother’s eyebrows make her look like trailer trash personified. Perhaps she and Kim got a two-for-one special at Texas Trudy’s Waxing Depot and Hair Salon.