American Idol 3/23-3/24

Re: Aaron

Are you kidding me, Kara? Best song choice? Lamest, most predictable song choice.

All I could do was compare it to everyone else in the world who has sung this song and Aaron came up short.

Crystal- “Me and Bobby McGee”

If you don’t dig what she does, this is more of the same. For me, it’s the best performance of Janis on AI to date.

This is the same shit Bowersox always does. Another lazy, gutless, easy song choice.

Why do they pimp this chick so hard? She does nothing. You can hear this in any coffee shop.

I knew you’d show for this performance. I wrote what I said with you in mind. It’s telling that this is the first performance you said anything about.

Diobot seems to be working.

I didn’t like Crystal either. I was very surprised when they all said they did.

I thought Crystal tore it up! I hate that song, just heard it too many times over the years but that was good.
I thought Lee was pretty good also.
Paige has got to go this week, it was like she was trying to suck.

God, the judges are full of shit. “Put the guitar down.” Fuck off, Kara.

It bothers me that they never call her on her laziness or her cowardice in song choices. They’re so capricious about that shit. They’ve accused people of “not doing anything new,” after doing a lot more pesronal and unusual interpretations than that. Bowersoz does the exact same shit every week, and they come all over themselves. This show is so fraudulent and fixed.

Not that anyone is really any better than Bowersox, but she isn’t anything special in the bigger picture. She has a good voice, but her song choices are chickenshit. It probably wouldn’t bother me so much if she didn’t so clearly think she was amazing.

Paige could end up being John Stevens – almost begging to go home, but voted back week after week.

Big Mike FTW. Best performance yet. So glad he’s not doing the manchild bit anymore.

Mike did his thing. There’s a pretty low bar to pass this week, or this year in general.

Mike’s not going anywhere. He has the mom vote.

Who is VFTW this year? The show has obviously made an effort to thwart that by casting the blandest personalities they can find.

Frankly, if singing John Fogerty and Kris Kristofferson songs is wrong, I don’t want her to be right.

Hated Big Mike. Don’t get him at all.

ETA: Ok, hated is excessive. He wasn’t actively bad like some of the others tonight.

Mike was good. That’s a harder song to sing than “Bobby McGee,” but of course, the judges are trashing him and accusing him of “being safe” because they’re morons.

That song was a trite choice, but not an easy one.

Not wrong, just low degrees of difficulty. Nothing against the songs as songs.

By the way, Janis Joplin did that song better.

Timeshifting a bit, so I’ll have one big post until I catch up.

Lee’s song went on forever. And is the lighting weird, or does it look like he’s wearing Seacrest’s orange bronzer? Lee is not bad, but he doesn’t thrill me. I totally agree with Simon.

Paige looks very pretty tonight. Bad song choice–has anyone ever done this well on this show? Paige is definitely not the first to pull it off, that’s for sure. Whispery and wavery. Better when she got loud, but that was only about 2 lines. Not good, not good at all. Don’t think it was the worst vocal of the season, but it was in the bottom five, I think.

Tim is doing the easiest Queen song there is to sing. He looks like a lounge singer. Still, this is the best his voice has ever sounded. Not that this is saying much. Given how bad Paige was, he may have just made the tour. I agree with Randy that it was like bad karaoke, but that’s the best he can aspire to.

Aaron looks younger every time I see him. He is so wee! Why is he humping the mic stand? Awkward pelvic thrusts aside, this was a really good song choice for him. I could tell his voice was a bit shot, but it was still the best of the night so far. Ryan calling him Archuleta cracked me up.

Crystal might have a shot at not screwing up Janis–one of the artists I say nobody should touch on this show. Love the dress. Wow, getting chills at the end. That owned! First time I’ve heard justice done to Janis on this show! I’m using too many exclamation points! She looks like she’s about to cry after what Simon said. I really do think that she’s not arrogant and that she really wants this in a way I’m not feeling from others.

Big Mike needs to stop licking his lips. Wonder how much a velvet jacket in his size costs? He’s impeccable as always. I’m not getting the chills like I did with Crystal, but I think Mike is a lock for top 3.

Caught up now.

Music isn’t an Olympic event. Falling down attempting a ‘more difficult’ song isn’t better than completely nailing what you personally perceive to be an easier song.