American Idol: 4/6-4/7/11

Cat Whisperer, mjsbigblog will have the videos up soonish, I think.

WTF was up with the outfits today? What was Lauren thinking??? A diaper is not a good look.

I didn’t get to watch many performances because I was trying to help the kid with algebra, but it doesn’t sound like I missed much.

This is the first time I’ve ever watched AI, so maybe I’ve got rose-colored glasses. But I have loved so much of this season and am always a little surprised how hard y’all are on everybody. I mean, I hate smarmy Scottie, and agree that Paul smiles waaay too much, but other than that I’m not too critical.
Casey and James can do no wrong, IMO, and I even think Haley has her moments (like tonight).
I guess what I’m saying is that this summer, when they host the Idol Showcase at the Indiana State Fair, I’ll be first in line for tix.

22 posts and not a single mention of Pia. That says a hell of a lot about how memorable she is…

I just think after 10 years of Idol, good singers just aren’t that impressive. This group has a lot of good singers but they seem like the other good singers in previous years.

I was impressed with a few performances: Casey and Scott, who I’m usually not impressed by, put in on excellent performances. Pia is a terrific singer as well.

I have an irrational hatred for Jacob and Paul - the former’s comment about being in the bottom three smacked of arrogance, and the latter’s teeth are WAY TOO WHITE - plus his voice grates. They can’t be gone soon enough. Seriously, what’s funny about Folsom Prison Blues?

paul sounds like he’s got a helium tank stuck in his throat. okay Vote him off already!

Ah, okay - I have that link, but I couldn’t figure out how to find the current videos. The blog archive is what I was missing.

My response to that was, “Oh, fuck off,” and my husband burst out laughing. This dude thinks he’s a star already - he thinks he’s won this thing. I hate this guy so very much. His dancing was frightening, and he can’t sing very well, either.

“While My Ears Gently Glow” - we usually bag on the sound guys, but the lighting guys really dropped the ball on that one - shadows on his face, and glowing huge ears. Nice.

I liked Paul and Casey - those were excellent song choices for both of them. And what the hell was Lauren wearing on her bottom? Bloomers to make her bottom look huge? Not a good choice.

I’m watching this really late and I have to say as much as I really want to hate him each week Howdy Doody did a great job this week. For the first time I’m actually thinking he could win this thing.

And really? Nobody other than Hal Briston has anything to say about Pia this week? I’ve been ready to see her go for a while but tonight was a performance I actually enjoyed. The black and white cow patterned dress on the other hand…not so much.

I liked Pia’s departure from her safety blanket, the boring ballad. I think she’s technically the best singer on the show, but usually bores me to death.

I can’t stand Scotty or Jacob. I usually like Stefano, but he was putrid this week. Horrible song choice for him.

I actually like Paul. He’s obviously more interested in having fun, so I don’t mind if he smiles through an unhappy song. Johnny Cash was known to smile through his own down-on-my-luck songs.

I would say Paul is the best entertainer on the show this year - give him a crowd and a guitar and watch him go!

I like Pia! I think she’s just a million times more introverted than your standard reality show contestant. I’m not a big fan of ballads, but she just sings so well. Unlike, say, Paul, who shows only a passing familiarity with the melody of anything he “sings.”

I recommend ear surgery to James every week. Hell, a couple drops of Superglue might work…

What are we going to do with these judges? I don’t think Steven’s going to up and start being mean to people. Randy…well, I don’t think anyone listens to him really. It’s up to you, Jen. Find your inner bitch already.

Pia is a great singer, but I think she just doesn’t have the charisma to be a star.
I really really really hate Jacob. I have to leave the room when he performs. Ugh, he just flat makes my skin crawl.
I like the rest, some better than others. Scotty can sing. He’ll have a career even if he doesn’t win.
Those judges really need to toughen up a bit. You aren’t doing these kids any favors by not telling the truth.
The girls clothing, I think they were wearing Gwen Steffani designs. Not my cup of tea and not flattering on those girls. IMO, of course.
I guess my favorite is Haley for her throaty tone, but I’m not deeply invested in any of them.

I remember an ill-fitting onesie that someone was wearing that the wardrobe department ordered from a mildewy Montgomery Ward’s catalog found in the manager’s office of a Key West timeshare condo. Was that her?

Casey came oh so close to a great performance. He just needed to stop adding all those little scat-like phrases. The arrangement with mandolin and stand-up bass was really nice, it called out for a little restraint on the vocals.

So do they really expect to find the tomorrow’s next big star by playing old music? Last night was as painful as listening to any of the Oldies station that litter the land. Seriously, do songs have to be old enough to be in the public domain to be performed on this show? I would not be surprised if ‘Songs of the Civil War’ is what we are treated to next week. Or is it Roaring 20’s week?

We used to fast forward through the singing to watch the judges. Now we fast forward through the judges as they simply have nothing to add. Ellen was a tougher judge than any in this crew.

They were all obliged to wear clothes picked out for them by Gwen Stefani, who should stick to singing.

I know - he performed it just like this guy, for chrissakes!

Stefano, Paul, and Lauren were the weakest, though overall the show was pretty good. Lauren brought nothing new to an overdone song and her hair and outfit were weird. Paul really has no clue what that song is about and neither, apparently, do the judges.
Pia did not look great either but her performance was nice.
Casey did a great job with the upright bass.
Jacob was okay.
Haley was actually tolerable this time but her voice still grates on me.
James did a nice job of toning it down this time.
Scotty finally shows that he can do more than country.