American jackboot crushing the UK???

So, is this stupidity really so common in the UK? Are there really many Britons so brain-dead as to think that it’s a “jackboot” if they let their popular society be bought by another country?

If we’re putting our “jackboot” all over the UK, it’s because the UK sold themselves to us quite willingly.

Ah the American/irony interface again.

It’s always a joy.

Will we tell him who Bel Littlejohn is? Or shall we leave it?

Damn Americans, always oppressing people by giving them what they ask for.

Then again … dude, they named their kid “Marley.” You expect rationality?

I arrive back in Blairland to find that for these past three years my son Marley has been lying on the green sofa in the basement in his Reeboks watching Eminem on MTV eating Big Macs, drinking Coke and surfing the internet for anything with Britney Spears on it.

What do all these have in common? Right first time, Georgie, baby. Country of origin: US of A.

What do you plan to do about it, then? Frankly, we in this country have been living under the American jackboot for far too long.QUOTE]
Green sofas are exclusively American? :slight_smile: Damn, I never knew.

Pot calling the kettle black you ask me…if you went back in time, say a century, my guess is that, examining other countries you’d be hard pressed not to find a prevalence of British culture strewn throughout the world.

However, I’d say this is probably not the main attitude in Britian, Dogface. I have several friends scattered from South England to Wales and Scottland, and I’ve never heard they talk seriously about such things. I’d say there are always a few blokes out there that want to bitch and moan, reguardless of the country…we certainly have more than our share here in the states. :slight_smile:


FWIW, I went to the Museum of TV and Radio’s University Satellite Seminar last night on journalism worldwide, with people from the BBC, India, France, Mexico, Turkey, Nigeria, etc. and they said that (except for France, whom they all kidded) the battle has largely been settled. American influence has been absorbed and filtered and assimilated to match the country’s sensibilities and it’s a non-issue except for professional muckrakers and dumber politicans and characters like it looks ‘Bel Littlejohn’ is.

Nah, lets leave it.

Dear, sweet, sincere American cousins. Thanks for the best laugh I’ve had all day.

Houston? We’re having an irony interface problem.

From that same letter:

The author is being satirical.

And isn’t Reebok a British company? And aren’t they made in China?

Tell him, for God’s sake. I have to live in the same country as this guy.

<goes forth and Googles>

<comes back laughing>

You wacky Brits! <chucks them affectionately under chin>


I posted this in the other UK thread, but it might also be of interest here.

The Guardian Poll on UK attitudes toward the US, Bush and the Iraq War.

Paints a different picture than you’d get by reading this message board. Sample:

Iraq war justified: 47%
Not justified: 41%
Don’t know: 12%

Why do you think I put in this part? :slight_smile:

lol guys.

And I posted this link in the other thread:

The polls aren’t accurate is all either poll proves.

One can only hope, now that we CAN do it. Not like in 1783 or 1814 when we managed our independence but lacked the power to conquer the bastards. And certainly not when we wimped out in 1917 and 1941 and ALLIED with them–that 20th century is a blot on our record! No, the time has come for us to assert our masterhood of the entire English-speaking world.

I always wanted to invade England (can we spare the Welsh and Scotts though??)!! Its really for their own good anyway. We will invade them to bring them…dentistry!!

Think of it as our service to the world…conquering them in the name of humanity and good teeth! I’m getting all misty eyed here just thinking about it…


We don’t have dentists…then who was that man with the big drill…:eek: :eek:

I think xtisme was referring to the fact that unlike Americans who ALL have sets of perfectly matched pearly whites we Brits normally have teeth which resemble old headstones.

Mine don’t but I guess I’m just an awkward bastard :smiley:

God bless americans.

Best laugh I’ve had all day.

I am suprsised that they didn’t also ask Wallace Arnold for his opinion. As a counterpoint.

Oh! and the bloke with the big drill was that asshole who is always digging up the sodding m/way