Americans practicing law in Mexico

I’d normally look for this stuff myself (and am doing so right now), but I’m in a major time crunch - I need to document, TODAY, the processional, licensing, etc. barriers to a non-Spanish-speaking, U.S.-educated attorney being able to practice law in Mexico.

Where do I look? Authoritative government sources, or, say, the equivalent of the American Bar Association, would be most helpful (and it’s fine if they are in Spanish - we can translate stuff in-house), but I don’t know all the names of the appropriate agencies, certifying bodies. etc. So any Mexican Dopers, etc. who might be of assistance, I am throwing myself on your mercy…

Any leads would be appreciated - I just wish I’d had more than 24 hours’ notice for this little project, which is just part of a much larger project that has to be done by tonight.