Americans, who would you be happy to vote for?

Anybody but Bush.

He lies you know.

Just ask Martin.

I want more good republican choices. I don’t really have any right now.

Russ Feingold rocks.

This is a little out of left (maybe right) field, but I saw Alan Simpson interviewed on Hardball the other day. Man, that guy just gets right to the point-- no bullshiting around. I’d probably vote for him, although he’s probably done with politcs.

Colin Powell would get my vote pretty easily, and I’ve always liked Jack Kemp, but he’s kinda out of the business these days. McCain would be fine, especially with **Condi **as Veep.

Evan Bayh seems like a Democrat I’d vote for, although he’s doing some silly posturing these days to make himself look more liberal. Sam Nunn is another Dem that I’ve always liked. Whatever happened to him?

Barak Obama? Hmmm. I think I’d like to see him serve at least one full year in the Senate before endorsing him. I don’t see the appeal of that guy, other than that he supposedly gave a good speech once.

Clinton, Gore, or Howard Dean. Even John Kerry again, in a pinch. For God’s sakes, SOMEBODY has to beat Bush!!!

You know he’s not running again, right? :wink:

How is that not racist/sexist? If you are tired of voting for someone based on the color of their skin, maybe you shouldn’t vote. That’s worse than my grandmother telling me she was voting for Bush because he looked like her father. I have had way too many people tell me that they would never vote for a black man. I don’t see this any different.

I can understand if you were tired of seeing only hot white chicks in beer commercials and would like some diversity. But, if anything is a best-man-win scenario, the presidential election is. And if you think the ‘better man’ is dependant on sex or race, then pick your “-ist” because the shoe definitely fits.

Maybe some Democrats don’t know what to do if they’re not running against Bush. :slight_smile:

Vote for me. I’m not Bush.
Uhm, Bush isn’t running.
Well, I’m not Bush!!

Things could get interesting. McCain could cross over and run as a Democrat AND a Republican, all because he’s not Bush!

Not defeat him, beat him. Like with a stick.

If that’s what you want, pick a pro athlete, not a 60-year-old man! :smiley:

John McCain The good guys never get on the ticket.

Perhaps we shouldn’t treat that as a joke-- it might not be a bad idea. It would be nice if some top-ranked Republican or Democrat ditched their party and ran as an independent. It’s not completely crazy-- especially if the special interest groups on both sides continue to exert an ever increasing influence on the parties.

Maybe the Dems will trick the Republicans into passing an amendment allowing the president to serve for more than 2 terms just so that they can finally beat Bush. :slight_smile:

There would be upsides to that, but I suggested one guy running on the ticket of both major parties. That’d be less of a positive.

Anyway, it would probably take more than that to get a sustainable third party going.

Hillary Clinton.


Heavens to Betsy, do we really want an election going to the House? I fear that would be the outcome of a viable 3rd party candidate.

Howard Dean is no liberal, he’s just a Democrat with stones. It pisses me off no end that the media conflates the two.

Speaking of, my choice is Harry Reid. Not that we can afford to lose him in the Senate.


I’ll second **Zoe ** - I am also tired of old white men.

I’m E. Indian, albeit American, and female. I haven’t felt old white men have represented my interests for years now. I don’t think this is racist, just that they’ve never had the experience of living in a country where you’re a stranger, where everyone else is a different color and different religion. I just want someone who’s been there, and who’s experienced what I’ve experienced. I’d take a black man, or even better, a black woman - I seriously doubt that an Asian will get elected any time soon.

Speaking of which - how do you think that feels to us? I cannot see a forseeable future where an Asian gets elected to high office. Not for a long time. This country *is * racist, unfortunately, and we are only reacting the best we can.

While I understand where your coming from, how much are you willing to compromise your political beliefs to get a minority in the WH? If you’re liberal, would you vote for Condi? If you’re conservative would you vote for, say, Obama?