Amir Taheri, Benador and the Neocons

Being a great admirer of Ariel Sharon, I came across a new (to me) Iranian writer named Amir Taheriwho wrote this opinion. I may have seen him on CNN, but I can’t place the face.

He presents a very interesting analysis of the Sharon genius with an historical review of the neccessity for victory to assure peace and Sharon’s unique application of that concept to fit middle east realities.

So I wanted to read more from this guy. for example, I came across “WHAT IF IT’S NOT ISRAEL THEY LOATHE?” An interesting opinion that seems to be derived from very intimate contact within the middle east/muslim community. did you know that Thailand is building a wall “higher and longer” than Sharon’s security fence to keep out 2 million muslims?

But I couldn’t help notice that Amir Taheri is tied in with a group called Benador Associates,which hails a number of well known neocons such as Richard Perle.

Which leads me to the following question.

Why should I be worried about the neocons? One prominent poster has claimed that they are a bigger threat than Al Qaeda. This SDMB community generally holds these people in contempt. I understand that their views have largely factored in th initiation of the war on Iraq which is getting to be highly unpopular, but outside of Iraq which is a current phenomenon, what threat do these neocons represent for the future?