Amish school shooting "miracle recovery"?

There’s a story making the rounds about the supposed miracle recovery of one of the victims in last October’s shooting in a Pennsylvania Amish school. Here’s one account .

Now obviously there are a number of things wrong with this “news story” - including that it is partially an ad for a fishy-sounding alternative “healer” who seems to be claiming credit for the unnamed child’s recovery.

The Wikipedia entry on the shooting mentions a young girl taken off hospital life support and sent home, and who may have subsequently shown signs of recovery, but there is no documentation of this.

The story is apparently being hyped on alt med sites as part of their usual barrage about the fallibility of mainstream medicine. My question is, what actually happened here? Anyone know the real story???

The “miracle” child apparently is (or was) Rosanna King.

From the Seattle Times

A Philadelphia Inquirer article, nearly word-for-word, also mentions that this Daniel Esh is the great-uncle of three of the boys who were in the school, so he’s not just “some guy”.

The Pryor Daily Times article sounds fairly straightforward: her family wasn’t comfortable having her spend days, weeks, or months on life support, so they took her home, where she didn’t die but got better enough that they took her back to the hospital for more treatment. How much of this was due to Ron Anderson’s faith-healer cum naturopath intervention is of course debatable.

…she said drily.

The thing I find most amazing about this whole story is that the article linked to in the first sentence of the OP actually was printed by a real newspaper. That thing is full of attributions presented as facts, and not challenged at all. The thing is practically an advertisement fo rthe “Doctor”.

"During his travels and studies Ron Anderson became aware that the number one cause of disease is parasites. "

“The Amish by their religious origins and rural life are uncommonly receptive to Natural Health methods. Amish children are more resilient to disease and injury than most other children as a result of this practice.”

"One more miracle was yet to occur in this young girl’s life. The force of the injury had caused the plates of her skull to shift. One of the doctors on the team the girl was able to put the plates back in place with spinal manipulation. She is progressing daily at home with her family.

FWIW, we don’t consider squeezing a hand as meaning much, unless it’s squeezing and releasing to command and is repeatable. People often squeeze anything placed in the hand without higher brain fuction.