Amp is a jerk. A dumb jerk at that.

Hey, give him the benefit of the doubt. Since it was an accident, I’m sure he went back and stood them back up, brushed the dirt and mud off and left them the way he found them, visible for the other voters to see on their way in.
But if he didn’t do that, then he’s a jerk.

The funny thing to do would have been to add another sign saying “But Please Clean it Up” near the “Yes on 2” signs.

Since this was just an accident, it would be safe to say that Amp is an upstanding and decent citizen and put the signs back to their previous positions. :wink:

Right? ;):wink:

Come on, don’t be that thick. **Amp **obviously sunk to vandalism and trashed the signs from the way he typed it. Besides how would he wipe out both by accident.

I had one of my Obama signs wiped out Sunday and thankfully had a second ready for Monday morning. They cost me money out of my pocket (a good cause) and whoever did it was an asshole and a petty criminal. **Amp **is a petty criminal no matter how much he disagrees with the sign. He was a jerk and no better than the idiot who trashed my Obama sign.

What kind of klutz trips over two signs? Was there booze involved?

Neither. In the absence of any prior history of bad behavior and with nothing but Amp’s word as a fellow poster, I choose to believe he meant what he said. Until I hear otherwise from him, that’s my take and if you don’t like it you can fuck right off.

That goes for you, too Jim.

This is pathetic. How many ways are there for political signs to be set up so that it’s even possible to trip over them? And we’re then expected to believe that he tripped over both? In such a way as to actually ruin them? Really?

One would normally expect someone who has been involved with Mythbusters to have a better sense of physical plausibility. Just sayin’.

I can think of a virtually infinite number of plausible scenarios. Maybe a really hot chick jogged past. I don’t know. And neither do you.

Maybe he has ADD and couldn’t help it.

It seemed to me like a hint that it was purposeful. Perhaps it’s just a quirk that Q.E.D. doesn’t know? Or Amp, on the other hand.

Did anybody even bother ASKING Amp?

What are you, tripping?

So you’re saying that, when a poster makes a statement that normally carries a subtext, and a literal reading implies something very improbable happening, we should go for the literal reading?

That’s an interesting literary notion.

That said, Guin has a decent point, though, were I Amp, I would be somewhat tempted to lie to shut down the pitting.

No, and the ass/u/me brigade is out in force. Look, I’m not stupid regardless of what some would prefer to believe. I’m perfectly well aware that Amp’s post can be read as an underhanded admission of wrongdoing. It can also be read at face value, and without irony, despite what some here would have you believe. It never ceases to amaze me that seemingly reasonable and intelligent people here can read an uninflected post and not only pretend to know its meaning, but even dictate their interpretation as fact to everyone else, occasionally even in the face of an apparently honest denial on the part of the poster in question. Unbelievable.

No, I’m stating my position. I don’t give a rat’s ass what you do. Assume away; no skin off my nose.

…and his silence on this matter (up to the time of this post…he is currently on the Dope as well) speaks volumes.

Does he know he’s been Pitted?

Woah, I didn’t realize my remark would inspire a pitting.

So for those who want to hear the whole story here it goes. I went to my polling place yesterday morning to see what the wait was going to be. I already voted last week but saw a few people from my apartment complex there and decided to talk to them. As I took off I was too lazy to actually walk down the driveway so I decided to cut across front lawn of the church where all the signs were. Again I was too lazy to walk around the signs so I decided to cut through them to the sidewalk. There were a ton of them, two and three deep on the lawn. I must have tripped on one and went down like a ton of bricks taking out four signs total, the two Vote Yes On 2, they were next to each other, a Kathy Castor sign and a fourth sign I can’t remember. I felt like a jackass and my first thought was to get out of there to avoid embarrassment so no, I didn’t try to fix them.

So, do I feel bad it happened? No, I just feel stupid. Should I have fixed the signs? Yes but I didn’t out of embarrassment. I realize the way I wrote my original statement may have sounded inflammatory because I only mentioned the Yes On 2 but that’s because after thinking about it I had a little bit of schadenfreude about the fact that I took out their signs because I do oppose the amendment. I actually voted for Kathy Castor.

And to stave off the next round of questions; No, I did not know I had been pitted until Mr. Moto PM’ed me and I always show as logged on because I live alone and don’t log off the Dope when I am not on my computer, which is usually left on.

I await a round of apologies. You know who you are.

I certainly don’t feel bad about pitting you, because your remarks read as even you have acknowledged. But in the light of new information, I will certainly retract it.