Amusing puzzle

Can you figure this out?

  1. Key into the calculator the first 3 digits of your phone number (not yourarea code).

  2. Multiply by 80

  3. Add 1

  4. Multiply by 250

  5. Add last 4 digits of your phone number

  6. Add last 4 digits of your phone number again

  7. Subtract 250

  8. Lastly, divide by 2

The end result will be your phone number.

If you can figure this out, please explain how the arithmetic works

Note: this only works with US phone numbers.


x = the first 3 digits of your phone number
y = the last 4 digits of your phone number

To mathematically construct a 7 digit phone number out of x and y, use the equation 10000x + y. Now, to make sure the puzzle does the same thing:

  1. Put x into calculator
  2. Multiply by 80 (now we have 80x in calculator)
  3. Add 1 (80x + 1)
  4. Multiply by 250 (20000x + 250)
  5. Add y (20000x + 250 + y)
  6. Add y again (20000x + 250 + 2y)
  7. Subtract 250 (20000x + 2y)
  8. Divide by 2 (10000x + y)

Does this answer your question?

Yes. Thank you, Algorithm.

My Canadian phone number worked!

Thats pretty cool though.

This has to be best correlation of username and post ever seen on this board.

Revtim, that’s exactly what I thought as well.

This is really neat, BTW. I’ll have to show my friends.

it worked on a UK phone number

Well, it works on any seven digit phone number (uh, though starting with 0 could be a problem.) If you rephrased “the first three digits” as “all but the last four digits” it would work for any phone number over four digits.