An idea for the future of the Star Trek franchise

With the fifth Trek series looming over the horizon, I can’t help but wonder whether or not it will suck. Here’s an idea to avoid said sucking: rather than commit to a 7-year series, why not give us a series of 2-3 part mini-series or tv-movies? Explore such topics as the origin of the Borg or maybe take some stories from the Trek book and comic series. With the advances in CGI, you could have nearly any alien or landscape or starship you could imagine.

Trekkers and Trekkies, waddya think?

The only characters anybody likes on Voyager are the Doctor and 7 of 9. They can play comedy–spin them off into a sitcom.

They really, really need to take a few years off. The last . . . seven seasons of Voyager have been just Gawd-awful. The last movie wasn’t much better, and even DS9 sort of ran out of steam at the end.

Take a few years off so when they do come back people will be saying “Wow! Star Trek! Cool!” again.

I think a Star Trek Unlimited format (short stories, changing cast) would be great.
Alternatively I’d like to see the new show take the complete opposite tack and borrow a leaf from Bab 5 and have the entire continuous storyline mapped out beforehand. Make it more of a continuous soap opera with a definitive storyline that needs to be seen as a whole for total appreciation. After all they have the fans already - they know that if the storyline is good and the acting okay we’ll watch religiously.

I’d heard that at one point the new series was going to revolve around a Federation warship equipped with the latest, greatest and most felxible weaponry to seek out the borg home world. But apparently the idea was canned.

I think they need to do a cartoon. Or maybe a porno. Or maybe something about those marauding space llamas of death. (Oh, how I long for the mothership to return for me. :::sigh:::slight_smile: Or maybe they need to do an expose on the Planet of Nude. Perhaps they could do a life after death thing with DeForest Kelly (or someone who looks like him). Maybe it’s time we checked out what folks are doing in other galaxies. Orrrr, they could just follow the lives of Star Trek fans, kind of like the movie “Trekkies,” but with more of a “Real World” flavor.
There are just so many possibilities.

Let’s find out what happened in the “Mirror Mirror” universe after Kirk left for his own universe, telling the evil Spock that all the death and waste was illogical. He looked ready to take over.

That would make a fun movie.

I’m thinking maybe a revolving cast and ship. Different stories from different ships with different crews in different quadrants. Some bleedover of course, but with lots of flexibility. Plus plenty of chances for cameos from former players.

You know I think the Llama has a few points there.

Deep Space 90210

Survivor: the next generation

Batman: The holodeck adventures

Or - and I know this will meet with widespread approval - how about Wesley Crusher getting his very own series???


Umm, Beverly or Wesley?

It’s been done!! Sex Trek: the Next Penetration-I kid you not! It’s kind of old. I’m not sure where you could get a copy now.

dpr, what are you thinking?! Crusher’s ownj series?! How about a one-episode series where Crusher is crushed by something? It would win an Emmy for sheer irony.

I don’t think that would be a good idea, even when he was alive DeForest Kelly wasn’t that handsome.

Actually, I’m pretty happy with the 7 year series format. Some of us really don’t have a life…

I have to agree with JDeMobray–they should give it a rest for a few years. I’m to the point that I rarely even bother to watch Voyager…and when I do, I keep hoping the Borg will assimilate everybody. Time to stop beating it into the ground for awhile.

speaking of irony, I had a fanstasy (I hoped against hope) that the last episode of The Next Generation would end as follows

Worf: Captain, the Romulans’ ship has been detected decloaking off the starboard side.

Picard: Fire at will.

(everyone opens fire on Riker, incinerating him immediately.)

Speaking of irony, I may have had an air of sarcasm upon me as I typed…
But actually, now I think about it: how about Trek Park series where Wesley gets killed during every episode?

I can see it now:

Riker: Omigod! They killed Wesley!

Picard: hhhh. Well he was a brat anyway.

I could’ve sworn there was talk about a spinoff from Star Trek VI: Undiscovered Country using the U.S.S. Excelsior with George Takei as Captain.

However, seeing that everything that’s been happening in the Star Trek universe since 2371, it seems it’s all going downhill. If they maintain any sort of continuity and consistency, the Borg should be sending a fleet of cubes to Earth via transwarp conduits any minute now. I say the new series should be based on the Klingons or even the Romulans. For either series, the timeline should parallel TNG and show it from their point-of-view.

Here’s my idea.

Establish who are all the most popular characters in the modern serieseses, and cut away those who aren’t likely to want to return to play them again.

So you might get, from Voyager, the Doc, Chakotay, and Seven. From DS:9 maybe Jadzia Dax (I know, but I liked her, and in Trek you can bring back the dead) and Odo and okay, maybe Kira (though I never liked her much). And in TNG you could have Tom Riker, Barclay, ummmm whoever. I dunno, they’re all getting old now. And of course a bunch of new folks.

Here’s the premise.

Voyager returns to the whatever-it-is Quadrant to discover that the Federation is in tatters. There has been a fullscale pangalactic war, and the whole galaxy is in chaos. Everyone, including the standard bad guys like The Dominion, the Romulans, the Klingons, everybody, are all in terrible states of devastation.

And it’s the job of the ragtag Federation survivors to:

  • (first season) piece together what happened, and who is responsible.
  • (second season) gather resources, allies, etc to establish a stronghold
  • (third season) make their first vollies, attacks, sorties, to test the waters and learn more about their foe.

Etc etc etc

All through the series of course there are the usual sideline, non-story-arc tales. But what is cool is that there’d be a lot more danger. Nobody would know who was trustworthy and who wasn’t, and there’d be a ton of tension between characters always. Characters could die at any time. Lots of action (which the trekkers love and want more of) plus room for more character-based tales, and still space for SF allegories etc.

And in the first episode of the first season, the Voyager explodes and takes that dickhead wanker Tom Paris with it.

This is the kind of pull-out-all-the-stops action packed fun blockbuster series Trek needs to really define itself again, imho.

And this would rock!

Interesting idea. And with a continuing storyline that would keep us coming back again and again.

I like it!!!

Especially if little is revealed as to what happened. A gradual mystery with it only coming clear over time. And such twists at the end of each season.