On my lunch hour today I needed to drop the minivan off to get the tires rotated and aligned, so I drove to my friendly neighborhood Tires Plus shop, located on the western fringe of Madison. It was going to take an hour, so I figured I would stroll over to Target and do some Easter candy shopping for the kiddies. No problem, right? Target is only about a half mile way. I can see the sign from window of the tire place. So I start walking.
I realize right away that there are no sidewalks to be seen anywhere. Well, I guess I’ll just cut through the parking lots, making like Frogger. The Petsmart lot was easy – hardly any cars. Circuit City was a little harder – I had to stay on my toes. Menards was a bitch – pickups zooming around everywhere. I make it across no man’s land to the frontage road and look around. No damn sidewalk anywhere.
Well shit, I guess I’ll have to walk in the road. Whoops, two horns later I decide that’s not a good idea. I’ll walk in the grass. Except it’s not really grass, it’s green mud. My loafers are shot by now. Finally I get to the end of the frontage road where it connects with Mineral Point Rd, which is four lanes of traffic, no crosswalk on this side of town, and the lunch rush is in swing. Again making like Frogger, I sprint across in a daring display of jaywalking.
Finally, a sidewalk. The good people of Target thought to put one in. If I had a hat, I’d tip it to 'em. I do my shopping (Starburst jellybeans, 2 bags for $3! Pick some up if you know what’s good for you!) and make the return trip with just as much daring-do as before (except that now I am loaded down with candy and disposable diapers and a box of lightbulbs). I made it back to the tire place in one piece, picked up the van, and drove back to work.
So now, to those folks who graced my fair city with this sprawling, big-box retailer-accomodating, automobile-favoring, no-sidewalk-having, vast wasteland of parking lots, access roads, drainage ditches, and multilane suburban raceways, a hearty “Kiss my ass.” Would it have fucking killed you to make some sort of provison for pedestrians, you short-sighted developer fucknuts? I shouldn’t have to risk my life to walk to the store. And you owe me a new goddamn pair of shoes.