Okay, this is a thread about a point I’ve brought up in many threads. I haven’t really gotten much of a response on it, IIRC, I think that at one point ITR Champ did address it, but it was in a much larger thread and subsequently got buried (IIRC).
One of the assumptions about the Gospels/NT that apologists have is that multiple accounts some how equate to better trustworthiness. The argument typically goes something to the effect of:
*We have multiple independent eye witness accounts of Jesus’ resurrection, therefore that adds weight to the claim. *
I think that if we **did **have multiply attested accounts that would add credibility to some of the claims of the NT (say, for instance, that Jesus existed - BTW, I’m not a myther, this is just an example).
Now, some of these points have been addressed in other SD threads (such as the Gospels being eye witness accounts) - and to drudge them up again is not the point of this thread.
Instead, my question is, why don’t the same people who trust the Gospels ALSO trust the ancient historians and their accounts of miracles?
The following from here (and somewhat from here):
Why believe or take the claims of the NT seriously, but dismiss the other miracles that the Pagans reported?
I mean, the sources I listed above are superior to the Gospels since they are from historians (mostly) and they are not anonymous - yet I don’t think anyone bats an eye when dismissing them today? This strikes me as wrong - why expect anyone to believe the new testament when you don’t believe the better attested miracles of Vespasian?