And a big FUCK YOU to Miss Cleo. Good Bye!

its my sig!

my introduction to “the amazing randi” was on the tonight show when he did the “phsycic surgery”, it was awesome!, people screaming and looking away while he said (for the millionth time) “it’s just a trick, i’m faking it”, my hero.


At least some people in government have a sense of humor.

Ohhh. umm no. well, I’ll put it this way the real psychics, the ones that you talk to on the phone, make very little money.
My sister is a personel manager for a popular “phone actress” company. She hires and fires all the “phone actress” Ie psychics & phone sex people. She makes around 14 bucks an hour, the actors make far less. They are all work at home folks, and get paid by the min. The pay all depends on how much you work and how long you can keep people on the phone. The psychics top out at around 8 bucks an hour and it can take you like 4 or more hours to get an hours worth of phone time. Sorry looks like the BMW is out of the picture, but dont be too upset the phone sex people can make up to 12 bucks an hour. So if you’re still looking for a career in the phone actress feild just let me know i can hook you up. :smiley:

I’m a bit puzzled why “Miss Cleo” herself is being subjected to a civil suit. I mean, she’s an actor, she played a character and acted on a TV ad. So? It’s not like there have never been actors on TV ads before… :confused:

Yeah, in a weird way, I’ll miss them too…

“You are not de fader of de bebe!”

I thought Miss Cleo was one of the most entertaining people on late night TV when she first showed up. She was a major hit in our dorm, and we eagerly awaited new commercials. Good times.

No one I knew called in though.

Well, the first two are okay, but I think that the last one wouldn’t pass Constitutional muster (you know, that whole “cruel and unusual punishment” bit), but, I think that in Miss Cleo’s case one might be able to rule extenuating circumstances or something and get an exception. Or hell, let’s just amend the Constitution so that frauds like her can get the punishment they deserve! :smiley:

Another one bites the dust.

Oh, who cares? Nobody forced people to call. Call it a…stupidity tax.

“Hasta la vista, babies!”

–The Cleonator