And now, a Walken break...

With a mustache!

Please post your favorite clips of the Great CW for your and my viewing pleasure. Thank you.

This thread really demands more cowbell.

Christopher Walken’s epic dance video.

It’s like. he was doing. an

impression… of;, himself.

Doing his cover version of Lady Gaga.

Going to slide this over to CS for ya.

I told you guys that “post without rhythm and you won’t attract the mod” wouldn’t work.

That ain’t any kind of fun, but what I have to offer you, that’s as good as it’s gonna get. And it won’t ever get that good again.

Walken says that when he was younger, he used to go over his scripts and cross out all the punctuation so it wouldn’t get in his way. These days, he claims he doesn’t even see the punctuation any more.

Say what you will about Christopher Walken, but he is definitely not poker.

Also, he probably isn’t the guy you want to have reading you a bedtime story.

(It’s not Walken, but it’s from a movie that had him in it, so: gimme the “busket.”)

Amen! That’s my all-time favorite clip!

Keep, them coming…people;

Today, the acquired taste of Col. Angus.

His best movie (note: dancing and mustache!)


Can’t post a link to video or view others’ links so it might have already been posted, but his reading of Where the Wild Things Are is not to be missed.

Here’s Jay Mohr’s Walken impersonation on The Simpsons - short but sweet: - YouTube

Hey CW, what’s gonna happen with the ice now?

My favorite Walken dance number:

Delilah from Romance & Cigarettes

Can I confess something?