And now, the Republican version...

Kind of, in a way. My cousin called me one night in 1968, telling me he had signed up rather than wait to get drafted. Seems that the recruiting guy was a good ol’ boy from Odessa (the real one, not the one in Russia…), and had offered him a special deal, the kind you can’t really put on paper, you understand, but he could guarantee him that if he signed up today, he would be assigned to Germany to learn radar maintanance.

Dumb fuck was on the tarmac at Da Nang three weeks after finishing basic.

One thing that’s bugged me about the whole “John Kerry has few legislative successes in his career” Bushwah…

What great accomplishments did Governor George W. Bush achieve when he was running in 2000? Aside from making Texas one of the nation’s leaders in prisoner executions, I’m stumped to think of any.

Yes. Yes we are. Now pardon me while I go and stomp some puppies and kittens… :slight_smile:

Seriously though; yes, I wish that the Pubbie Party would stick to the issues and try to avoid the mudslinging, but as has been pointed out earlier, the Administration doesn’t have a whole lot to go on here. They are quite aware that they have driven segments of their core support away in the last few years, and I think they’re getting quite desperate.

Also, no one asked my opinion except for Governor Arnold… and what a surreal phone call that was: “Dis is Goberner Ahnold Swarzenneger, and I need your help…” *Click

OK, back to my moral bankruptcy: Here kitty, kitty, kitty!

That is sick and stupid. If you are going to kill them you may as well eat them. To do otherwise is a terrible waste of succulent baby flesh.

Hey! My wife is Korean! I think you just anwered the eternal question “What’s for dinner tonight?”


And that is just what we expect from you and Ann Coulter.

OK, I think we need to talk about (what I see as) your lack of consistency. Just bear with me here, we’ll get to the bottom of this.

First of all, if I recall correctly, you were a Vietnam protester. You protested a war much like the one we’re in now, one that has often been compared to that conflict. It has also been your assertion that this war has nothing to do with protecting America, and as a Vietnam protester you most likely had the same opinion about that war. So how then can you claim that Kerry was “protecting Americans” by fighting in Vietnam but then turn around and claim that the war in Iraq is not protecting Americans? It’s not like the wars differ in the basics from your point of view, to wit:

  1. We shouldn’t have invaded.
  2. It was a purely political exercise with no real strategic value.
  3. A lie got us into it.
  4. There’s no end in sight and the bodies keep adding up.

Did I miss anything there? So, let’s be consistent here. If Kerry was “protecting Americans”, then so is everyone in Iraq.

Of course, I could be wrong with this. It wouldn’t be the first time. How I’d like to see you prove me wrong, because I’d hate to think that your ethical views are that flexible when you have something at stake.

It’s called satire, dude. 'luci’s post was a mock defense of Bush. the question about “protecting America” was not an assertion that the Vietnam War protected America but was a parody of conservative attacks on Kerry.

Why haven’t you apologized yet?

Because one cite that cannot be corroborated with any other to support it doesn’t merit you an apology. Continue to try and tell us how Ann Coulter isn’t a psychotic harridan, the President isn’t a thief and a liar, and how you aren’t a talking points spewing child.

And until you come up with corroboration, hold your breath waiting for an undeserved apology.

Uhm, I should apologize first for quoting what was a friendly joke. Sorry.

Did you not click on any of those links?