Fucking fleas, too.
*I don’t like spiders and fleas
and that ain’t what it takes to love me
[shooka wacka shooka wacka shooka wacka]
like I wanna be loved by you*
So, anyways. There I am, outside in the unseasonally warm November weather we had up to today, desparately trying to get this exterior done. Big house. Old house. Tall house. Lots of overhanging trees and shrubs and just plaanty things everywhere. Plus an old pile of wood and shit that i have to move. Not a problem, I included all that extra work in the contract. I’m getting paid for it.
So, I’m wearing loose ish clothing. Oversized tee, baggy shorts (held up by a good belt and gots lots of pocketses!), my work boots and thick socks, hat and safety sunglasses. Yeah, I look marvelous, let me tell you. Very attractive.
Aparantly attractive to the afore mentioned fucking buglike things, too. I feel a shapr pain my side, backish, just where you can’t quite get either arm. I think it’s a wasp stinging me again, so I whip off the shirt and end up with a spider in my hair. I get the fucker out but he’s banged up to tell me if’n he’s one of those damn recluses or not. What was left over did look like one, though. I’ve seen lots of those. Been bitten by a few. They don’t do to me what htey do to other people, so I’m not worried about parts falling off. But it still hurts. Big red welts are what they give me. Painful welts.
Well, I got seven of them. Seven fucking spider looking bites. So, I washed all my work clothes already. Got out my benedryl cream, and took a benedryl pill, too. Just in case.
The flea bites are around my ankles. I hate fleas. Big house people had dogs, so big bunch of guessing there.
yeah, my life isn’t in danger. I seem to handle all sorts of bug and spider bites/stings well. It’s just annoying. And gross. And Pit worthy.
Fucking spiders and fleas.
Damn! We got a tornado here in the OKC! (watching news as I type)