And you thought 'Raising Arizona' couldn't get any funnier...

We were watching ‘Raising Arizona’ last night for the umpteenth time, and it turns out that my cat is freaked out by the recurring yodelling singing. The movie was singing “eee, eeeee, eeeee” (you know what I mean), and I was singing it too, with my cat on my lap, and she pasted her ears back, her eyes got huge and black, she was looking around to see where it was coming from, then she raced off to the bedroom to hide. The guy and I just about peed our pants laughing, between her and the movie. Just thought I’d share that. :slight_smile:

Not about that movie but…

We were watching the AFI’s list of the 100 most heartpounding movies last week. When they showed the stuff from Psycho, and that “ee! ee! ee!” sound started, our guinea pig started making the same noise (which she usually does to indicate hunger). It was so funny, like she was “singing” along.

There is this one song on Sinead O’ Connor’s “Lion and Cobra” disc that always set my german shephard howling like one of Dracula’s hellhounds. Only that one song though, other than that my dog would never so much as bark or make any noise, quietest dog in the world.

But then one day, Sinead came on and OOOOOWwwwwwwooooooooooooowWWWowowowowowooooooOOOOOOoo…