My best friend recently got the news that he’s probably going to lose his kidney in 8 months to a year. He’s a candidate for transplant – in fact, this is his second one, and we joke about how he could probably keep one if they’d just stop giving him 60-year-old kidneys. (Yes, we’re sick buggers, I know.) He’s currently down to 16% function, from 24% about six months ago.
He’s not asking, nor has he hinted, suggested, or even (as far as I can tell) thought about it. But what it comes down to is, I’ve done some digging and out of everyone he knows, I’m the only person who might qualify to donate a kidney. He’s got an odd blood type, whereas I’m O+; from what I was told by the ER nurse I spoke to, I can donate to just about anyone. Yay me, I guess. Of course, he can sit on the list, but the list is long.
Anyway, I’ve been thinking about it a bit and I’m not sure what I’m going to decide. I’d appreciate it if there are any donors on the Dope who wouldn’t mind sharing their experience – the good, the bad, the unexpected, whatever.
For that matter, if there are any recipients on here who don’t mind sharing, I’d like your viewpoint as well. Would you have felt odd if a friend offered their kidney? Do you think the friendship would survive (or did it)?
What it comes down to I guess is that I’m going to decide for myself one way or another – I’m not looking for votes or encouragement/discouragement or whatever. I’d just like to know what it was like, from people who have been there. Knowing that might help me figure out what I want to do.
For the record, I’ve already bookmarked Living Donors Online, which I was referred to by the nurse I spoke with, but I’m after more personal information, I guess. If anyone knows of other sites that may help, please speak up.