Animal and Human Male Breast Warts/Nipples

I’d also point out that horses and cattle do have toes. They stand on them; that’s what hooves are. In the case of horses, it’s one toe per foot, but it’s still a toe.

And rats have toes too, obviously.

I’m really hard-pressed to come up with a mammal that doesn’t have toes, actually. Sea mammals still have digits within their flippers, unless you’re not counting those? (I have no idea on the status of male nipples in dolphins, either, so I don’t know if there’s any correlation there.)

Meanwhile, apparently boars (swine, that is, not guinea pig males) are rife with nipples.

Damnit. Now I’m going to be obsessed with male mammal nipples for the next week.

As males take a more nurturing role in the lives of the young, perhaps those little suckers will evolve into something more useful and provide food on tap for the babies. That makes more sense to me.

Knockers up, boys…

Thank’s for all the sense making replys, some very good information from the "Master"himself.

Not unless women suddenly find male lactation to be a turn on. Or if there’s a worldwide shortage of formula…