Announcing the birth of a new Doper Baby

Ellen Cherry has given birth. Trasimond Stanton Soileau arrived yesterday morning at 8:27. He is a whopper at 9 lbs. 7 oz. . Mama, baby and Daddy are all fine, as are the big sister and brother.


He is a whopper as Mama is a whisper of a gal! Heartfelt congratulations to the entire Cherry clan.

That’s great news. Congrats!

Great news! Doper babies are the best!

Congrats to the newest addition!

We want to see pics!



Congratulations! So when are you signing him up for the Boards? Gotta start early!

::Waiting for impunha::

Yay Ellen and the Cherries! But… I thought you were going to name him after me…

YAY! Another blossom on the Cherry tree! Now get that digital camera out and start snappin’. We wanna see pictures and we want em now! :smiley:
Now EC can come lay by the pool and sip margaritas.



Where are the pictures? I love baby pictures!

Yay! Congratulations to you all.

Holy Cow! Did the kid have antlers? Is he a Cherry. or a moose?

Thumbs up and best wishes to the Cherry mob…

The Admins. decide this sort of stuff on a case-by-case basis, but if they follow the precedent set by Bomb Bay Doors, the now-2-year-old son of Airman Doors USAF and Ms Robin, the parents will be permitted to create Trasimond a screen name and compose one post for him, to this thread thanking people for their comments, then the name will be locked off until he turns 13 and requests it be reactivated (assuming he wants to). I suggest Master Cherry Twig as the logical name.

In any case, congratulations to the proud parents!! (And yeah, I wanna see baby pictures too!)

**WOOHOO!! and WOW!!! ** Now, don’t forget to kiss those baby toes. :wink:

Ooooh, little Cherry’s gonna pit you for that!

I’m gonna toss Cherry Bud into the ring.

BTW, how come we never see Pop Cherry around here?

Congratulations! Glad to hear that all are doing well!

WhooHoo and congrats to the Cherry clan!




Cool name. is there a history/story/argument behind it.

Anagramed, partially, you can get: NO NUN ASSIMILATED.
Have fun!

How very nice for the Cherry clan!

Congrats to all!

Oh Huzzah! Many Blessings be on the Cherry Tribe.