Annoying Things People Do At Fast Food Restaurants

People who are insanely picky:

Yeah, uh, I want the Big Mac, but, um, no sauce, and um, no onions.
oh yeah, could you add extra pickles? oh one more thing: I want mustard on it…only on one half! can you put ketchup on the other half and sprinkle pepper on the ketchup but notthe mustard?
hey, could you slice that into quarters, too?

I always say “I’d like…”. Way back in high school, the girl I was seeing at the time apparently misheard me and said that I shouldn’t order with “bring me” or “give me” because those were rude. She always ordered with “Could I have”.

I pointed out that, as always, I’d said “I would like”. I further pointed out that “could I have” doesn’t make a lot of sense, since you’re not making a request; it’s this person’s job to give you what you want.

Anyway, “I would like” is, in my opinion, the best of the alternatives.

lol, we hand them a knife and pepper packet :slight_smile:
Most of the things have already been said (esp. the taking the wrong order :mad: ), but I hate it when people can’t seem to connect money and hand at the counter. I tell them their total, so they set/throw their crumpled up mone and change on the counter…

What bothers me the most is when some dipshit ahead of me at the drive-thru gets their food, then sits there handing out the burgers to all six kids in the back, or opens up their sandwich to make sure there really AREN’T any pickles.
If you really CAN’T WAIT, could you help this long line out by pulling up to that empty parking space first?

wow… it seems that there are a lot of fast food workers here.

what I hate:

Me: “So and So’s Pizza, thanks for holding, may I take your order?”

Guy I hate: “yes. hold on a second” (to the family: "What should we get?)

There is so much wrong with this. I dont’ know where to start.

Please, Please, don’t ask me to cut your sandwich in half. This is McDonalds, I don’t have a knife that is worth a damn. I might get it in half, but it’s not going to be pretty.

Put the damn cell phone down !! You are at the speaker, give me your order, and call the other person back.

Here’s a hint. If your window doesn’t work, Don’t Come Throuh the Drive-Thru. It’s nearly impossible to understand you while you yell around your door.

The person closest to the speaker should be the person ordering.
while I can hear the passenger, I can’t hear them well.

If I say," I can’t understand you", don’t scream your order. I can hear you perfectly well. Take the shit out of your mouth, and order.

This really pisses me off !! When you come in reeking of alcohol, and give me some sob story to get free food. Then after I refuse to feed you, you cause a scene. Don’t think for a moment I won’t call the police.

Don’t get drunk in my bathroom. I’m sorry the mission won’t let you drink there. However McDonalds doesn’t feature bar service.

I could go on but maybe someone else would like to vent. I do feel better.

I’ll admit I double-check what I was given through the drive-thru window, but my husband is usually the one driving and will at least pull up to let the next car get their food. This is only because I’ve had enough fast food places screw up my order often enough that I’d prefer to correct the problem, not get home and discover there that they messed up. This is especially important for me because I’m a vegetarian, and so there have been a few times where we got home and found out that I can’t eat anything that’s in the bag.

I’m another person who likes Diet Coke or Pepsi on my McHeartAttackonaBun Meal. I know it doesn’t mitigate all the calories I’m consuming. I simply like the taste much better. I can’t stand overly sweet drinks like regular Coke and Pepsi. By the way, regular colas contain something on the order of 300 calories, which would mean I’d gain about pound a day, with as much pop as I drin, so in a way, I am doing some good by drinking diet only. (And yes, I know drinking water only would be even better but that’s another story.)
Oh, and I’m not entirely sure, but maybe fry sauce is another way of saying ketchup? You know, like moo juice is milk and cackleberries are eggs? Just a thought…

I thought of that too, Tikki, but one would expect the customer to then sigh in exasperation and say something like “It’s what you mouth-breathing plebians call ketchup.”

Fry sauce is a combination (usually equal parts) Ketchup/Mayo. In Utah, you cna get it at every single restaurant, from fast food to cafes to even nicer joints. In fact, I didn’t realize that fry sauce was just a regional thing until I tried to get some when I moved to CA.
I miss my fry sauce. (But you can substitute Thousand Island Dressing for the same effect…)

Fry sauce? I’d never even heard of it til this thread. And ewwww.

Hoo boy, this is a thread long needed…

I currently am employed at a 24 hour coffee and doughnut shop in The Great White North. For anyone interested the name rhymes with Shim Morton’s. I also work graveyard. Joy of joys.

[li]We have 4 sizes of coffee. Small, Medium, Large, and X-Large. Do not order just “coffee” and stare into space. Ditto for “regular coffee”. Also… we have several choices for additives ie cream and sugar. Please tell us how you want your coffee. There’s only a couple hundred possible combinations and we are not mind readers[/li]
[li]If you are coming through drive-through during rush hours, do not ask us to list our baked/fried items. There are seventy cars behind you. We have a metric assload of donuts and muffins and whatnot. If you don’t know what our standards are after we have been around for nearly 40 years, You should get out from under that rock more often. Or get your ass out of the car and come look inside instead of holding up the line of caffiene addicts[/li]
[li]Don’t add on stuff at the window after ordering at the speaker. Especially bagels during morning rush. The number of people who do this is frightening. It takes over a minute and a half to toast and prepare a bagel. Considering our average time is usually under 30 seconds for drive-through, this is insanely long. Not to mention frustrating[/li]
[li]Spit out the damn marbles before ordering. Especially those with thick accents. Please. [/li]
[li]Diesel Trucks! Turn them off! Before we are deaf! Aaaaauuuughhhh![/li]
[li]We sell a limited supply of baked stuff. It is baked once or twice a day. If you come in at midnight and find the variety lacking, come in earlier or wait until the new stuff is ready. Don’t get pissy with us if we happen to be out of the popular stuff. I just sell the deep fried artery cloggers.[/li][/ul]

Sorry this turned out to be so much of a rant, but these are all really annoying to me. :mad:

In southern New England, a regular coffee means a coffee with cream and sugar, usually ordered, “Large coffee, regular”, which can lead to confusion when one tries to order a black, non-flavored coffee at Dunkin Donuts.

See, the problem here is that while the holy sepulchre of St. Tim of Horton names things logically, most of the other evil coffee places ‘round here (think ``spar ducks’’) use thoroughly silly nomenclature like ‘tall’, ‘vente’ and whatever other silliness they use. And they are all different. And then there are the places that don’t have small or medium, only large, very large, extra large and stupendously huge. Which is all too much for me to handle before I’ve had my coffee. Especially since I usually bring my own travel mug.

All that to apologise for usually not knowing what size of coffee is what…

Oh man, I get more annoyed in the drive through than I should, and it’s ALWAYS by people in front of me. Some rules:

  1. If there are more than three people in the car, go inside. If you are all paying separately, then you really have no concept of what a drive-through is for, do you? Suck it up and realize that the convenience of you sitting on your ass in the back seat and doling out 45 dimes to the cashier will cause the ten people behind you to have a longer wait, even though they are all by themselves and need to get back to work. And for the love of all that is sacred, do NOT stay in front of the window to check your multiple special orders! Pull ahead, get the hell out of the way, and THEN check your order! The drive through is a time-saver for everyone, but only when you follow the rules, dammit!

  2. Following along with this, do not act surprised when the cashier asks you for money. That is why they tell you the total before you leave the speaker - so you can have your money ready. At the window is also not the time to ask if you can use the coupon for the Shrek special green shake that expired three years ago. Pay up, get your food, and get the hell out of the way!

Now, I understand that there may be some exceptions. I myself violated Rule #1 once. It was late, we’d been drinking, and the drive through was the only thing open. There was the (sober) driver and four other people in the car. We pulled into the drive-through (in Pensacola, FL - don’t remember what restaurant, but it was open 24 hrs) behind a group of (equally drunk) girls. As we listened to the orders being screamed at the speaker (burger cooked like this, no this, extra that, fries no salt, a salad with extra tomatoes, etc, etc) I told my friends…we will NOT be a part of this. We will order…Five Number Ones with Cokes. Period. One guy asked…but what’s a #1? Answer…it doesn’t matter. It’s a burger place. A #1 will have some sort of burger and fries…you’re drunk, you just want food. Five Number Ones with Cokes.

Shut up and eat.

This is going to make me sound old but my stint as a fast food worker complete with frisbee pickles was pre-Wayne’s World. Heh maybe the shows writers/ producers visited where I worked :slight_smile:

If you are standing behind me and I start giving my order, don’t ask the cashier questions. This actually happened to me once. When I told the woman it was my turn to order and please be quiet and wait her turn, she started bawling me out about how rude I was being to her. I just stood there and told her very loudly that I was not going to order until she shut her damn mouth. She continued talking until she realized I meant it.

I went into a McDonald’s at 4 in the morning once and asked “May I please get a large coffee?” The counterman froze and then started laughing. Finally he said “Most people who come in here this hour just scream ‘Give me caffeine.’”

Please do not go into a fast food restaurant in a foreign (to you) country and complain that they do not serve the same food as that fast food restaurant in your country. At least, don’t complain to the staff. They get paid minimum wage here just like everywhere else, they have nothing to do with the menu.

Okay, half-way through this thread and I thought of one. Sometimes we go to Knollwood in Orange. Good burgers, fair prices, funky 1940s decor.

Now, I like cheeseburgers as much as anyone; but I usually get my burgers without cheese. I’ve been to Knollwood enough times that I know what I want: Hamburger combo, creamy mustard, no tomato. Simple. Since there is often a line at lunch time, I’d like to place my order as quickly as possible: “Hi. I’d like a hamburger combo, creamy mustard, no tomato.” What normally happens is this:

“Hi. I’d like a hamburger combo, cr…”

“Would you like cheese on that?”

Come on. If I wanted cheese, I would ask for cheese. I know it’s your job to try to get another 40 cents out of every customer that comes in, but will you at least wait for me to finish my order instead of interrupting me?