Anorher "sad story, funny name"

Well, I have a phone call to make… :o
To think, I’ve believed that story for over 8 years, sigh.

I wrote this post yesterday, and as I went to post it the boards crashed. Even though it’s now been addressed above, I put too much work into it to just delete it, so here goes!

Those two sure get around. Seems like EVERYONE knows of them.

Man, I’m sorry. I thought it was true. My bad. I admit it. I thought I met them. I’m a very trusting person.

Does this have to become a pile on??? Perhaps we can stop now???

LOL, sorry IvoryTower. Despite all the evidence that they are an urban legend, there always remains the chance that someone will be inspired by the urban legend to make them fact. Perhaps your flavoursome and wobbly friends do exist and are just very well travelled :wink:

Y’know, I’ve always hated J-ELLO. Now I have one more reason! :smiley:

Thanks Cazze!

What’d he ever do to you? :confused:

I used to work 3 buildings down from a Dr. Richard Weiner. Seriously, if you are fully aware that your last name is Weiner, why in the world would you name your kid Richard or Gay or anything like that? I don’t care if my neighbor Richard saved my life in a fire and I had promised to name my firstborn after him, that is not an okay thing to do to your child.

My old boss worked with a guy whose last name was Sexauer.

Phone conversations would go like this:

Caller: Do you have Sexauer there?

My Old Boss: Oh, I wish. (or) Every day, all day long!

I worked with a Rich Richardson. He was a real asshole. I called him “Dick Dickerson.” Behind his back, of course.

We had a school guidance counselor named Richard Stiff. Even the teachers giggled about that one.

I work with a lot of people in Thailand. Kittiporn is not a name that works well over here - although I’m sure its a great name in Bangkok…

My law firm was hired by a very well-known insurance carrier to defend the company in a lawsuit, so in preparation for litigation we were doing document review for discovery. It involved looking through thousands of client files, each of which contained a cover page with the individual’s name and a great deal of personal information. Anyway, I never forgot one of the client files I came across- that of one Mrs. Sylvia McDildo.

The poor woman married into that name. I’m sure her family was so proud.

I’ve probably said this before, but my father went to high school with a Dick Hertz - and a Rainbow Trout [lastname I’ve forgotten].

I have spent thirty years lamenting the fact that my last name is, in fact, Weiner.

Today, I am just thankful that my parents never thought to name me Gay. :eek:

As a CSR for the phone company in the 80’s I had to really control myself when repeating a pretty common customer name: Lipshitz. It seemed pretty funny at the time.

As I’ve said many times on this board, I know a girl named Randi Bachelor.

My mother went to school with some people named Fuchs. Pronounced “fox”. Whenever I see it written anywhere, I always do a double take.

I remember watching newscasters try to keep a straight face when reporting that
Ronald Gay shot up a gay bar. Much as I hate homophobic violence, the story gave me a giggle.

There is an expert on the food industry who gets quoted in the trades quite a bit: Harry Balzer. I would have changed my name a LONG time ago!

I have a lot of relatives named Fuchs. We pronounce it Fooks - though its two generations since someone actually spoke real German in my family - so we all could be mispronoucing our own name. Its the German word for fox. Go visit the middle of Minnesota somewhere, very common. My branch of the family changed it to Fox, specifically to address the “naughty word” problem.

A friend in college remarked “its even conjugated!”