Another car service Q (paging Rick)

We have two vehicles, and as don’t take many long trips any more, only put about 7500 miles on each annually. the last couple of years.

The service period on the 2001 car is 7500 miles, so just take it in for service once a year, but also have an oil/filter change at the six-month period.

It only has 42,000 miles now and is six years old. Using the annual-service rate, it would be due for the 60,000-mile checkup. This is a big one and expensive,

The question is, could I just go ahead and have what would normally be the 45,000 things done, and wait until it actually has 60,000 on the clock for that major service? Would that be a risky move?

It depends.
How was that for a definitive answer? :rolleyes:
Look in your manual for what is replaced / serviced at 60K.
It will probably list all the stuff done at the 7,500 +plus any additional things done at the 15K +plus any additional things done at the 30K +Things that are done for the first time at 60K.
It is the things done for the first time at 60K that are the ones I worry about. If a timing belt, drive belts are listed I would lean toward recommending the 60K. Rubber belts will fail from age as well as mileage. On many engines a broken belt can = BIG BUCKS. You might save $300 and have a $2,000 repair bill from bent valves. I included the drive belts here (fan belts aux belts, whatever your car maker calls them) because I have seen those fail, and take an engine with them. :eek:

ETA: If it says spark plugs, you can probably let those slide until you get closer to 60K or have a problem with them

What kind of car is it?

Thanks for the “dependable” answer. :smiley:

The dealer is very good at each service checking all belts, hoses, etc. Additional things at the 60K are differential, tranny & brake fluid replacement. Service manual does not mention timing belt; as it’s a V8, does it have one, or a chain? It’s a '01 XJ8.

After contemplating your answer, probably will spring for the full 60K service. I’ll talk to them about the timing belt/chain first. That’s expensive enough on a 4 or 6, but a V8 will be a killer, probably. Ah, well, I’ve waited all these decades to get this car. I love it, so better take care of it, as hope it will be my last one!

I would spring for the the fluid replacements. Brake fluid absorbs water and becomes corrosive. Trannys are way more expensive than fluid replacements. On a heavy battle cruiser like an XJ that fluid is going to be pretty well cooked.

XJ8, as in Jaguar? Don’t skimp on the maintencance, it will cost you dearly. :slight_smile:

Although it’s low mileage, this is not your average Honda. Definitely give it the 60K service. It’s 7 years old and needs it, either now or a year from now. As Rick said, save $300 now, and pay a potential $2000 in engine repair if your bet turns out the wrong one…