Can cats get depressed? It sounds silly, but I recently moved into my parents house from a small Brooklyn apartment that I shared with a roommate/best friend. I took the cats as my roommate didn’t want the responsibility and we thought they were more attached to me.
My male cat, Oscar, has completely taken to the house and become the alpha cat. He’s all over the place - didn’t even hesitate to tackle the stairs after I let him out in my room where I keep their food and litterbox. He dominates my parents’ two male cats (both much older) and while he doesn’t dominate my old (15 yo) female cat, he pretty much knows to stay the hell out of her way unless he wants a nice swat on the butt from her.
My female cat, Emmy, however, has always been a fraidy-cat. Since moving her upstairs, she has ventured down the stairs one time - then she saw Isabelle (15 yo) and took off running back up the stairs. Any attempts to bring her back down usually end with her freaking out and flying back upstairs to the safety of my bedroom. She likes my mom and lets her pet her, and she’s starting to warm up to my dad (men freak her out…we think she was abused by one as a kitten before we got her). And she’s just as affectionate with me as ever - if I’m upstairs on the computer or watching TV, she’s either on my lap or under my feet. And when I tell her it’s time for bed, she hauls ass into my room, flies onto the bed and plops her little 12 lb self down at the bottom of the bed. So her behavior with me hasn’t really changed - she’s clingy when I have to leave in the mornings, but she did that in NYC, too - I think she figures if she’s really cute, I won’t leave her (and I’m almost embarrassed to say it’s worked a couple of times…I took a sick day and stayed home.). But my mom made a comment that she looks lonely and unhappy this morning. I’m not sure if I should take it seriously, as Emmy typically has that ‘poor me’ look on her face - it’s just her. But I know that she’s used to having Oscar to play with all day while I’m gone, and now that he’s the Big Cat and off exploring the rest of the house all day, maybe she misses that.
The only physical change I’ve noticed in her is that she’s vomited a couple of times in the past two weeks. The few times she’s done this in the past, it’s been because she ate too fast. Yesterday, she jumped up on me at 6 AM and threw up on me in bed (I got out of the way just in time). I’m not sure if I should take her to the vet and have her checked out or not - I don’t think she’s sick, and I’m pretty sure they would laugh at me if I said I thought she was depressed.
I also don’t know how to get her downstairs. This is a temporary situation - I’m leaving for graduate school in August and they will be going with me, so they’ll be back to the smaller apartment situation at that point and she’ll have Oscar back as her buddy. I just think if I could find a way to get her to come downstairs, she’d be happier. There’s a lot to play with down there, including two more male kitties whom she seems to like when they’re upstairs, but while I can always get her halfway down the stairs, that’s as far as she’ll go.
Any advice for my out-of-sorts baby?