Another computer problem

Seems like my tab key works on some forms and not on others or im my word processing program. When on some web pages pressing the tab key takes me back to the previous page. Besides taking the key cap off and trying to clean it is there something else I can do???

Scenario 1: Your keyboard is dirty

You can buy a can of compressed air (check Staples and the like) to see if it’s just dust. Or you can buy a new keyboard as they have become incredibly cheap (again, Staples, even eBay).
Scenario 2: Your computer has been possessed by Satan (no, not you, Satan).

As I don’t really know what you mean by ‘form’ (I assume application, maybe you use VB alot :wink: ? ) I’ll take a guess: apps can ‘trap’ keystrokes and use them at their discretion (i.e. pressing Tab switches fields in one form, pressing Tab switches the current font size in another form, &c.). About the webpage thing - if you press Tab in Netscape (and IE as far as I remember), you’ll switch focus from the current web page to the Location: textbox at the top. Merely pressing an arrow or even typing one more keystroke can be enough to whisk you away depending on how you configured your browser.