Another poll for the ladies to hop on

I did this constantly a relationship I had a few years ago. It was easier to reconcile with having-sex-while-not-wanting-it than the guilt trip he would otherwise impose.

all the time with my first bf.

i was 13 - no one EVER just ‘feels like it’ when they’re 13!

So nice when someone pretty much writes your answer, Aangelica saved me the effort. In my case, the one bf who did that crap would use the oldest line in the book: basically, if I didn’t feel like sex (usually, because I still had bruises from the last time) I was being a bitch and just doing it to punish him. The fact that I did fall for that kind of behaviour shows that smoke does, indeed, get in your eyes.

I got better.


The only way I can parse this sentence is as ‘nobody ever just “feels like it” at thirteen, they are driven to it.’

Not to paint with too broad a brush here, but I’d guess this is more true of 13-year-od boys than girls. Most girs I know/have known, are not interested in sex yet at 13.

Seriously. A lot of times my boyfriend very generously does fun things with me when HE’S not in the mood. (As often as that happens, which admittedly is not very often.)

Although, if I’m sick or something, I’m less likely to want to…but I still will. I change my mind pretty quickly.

Yes and there aren’t really any magic words. If you’re in love you want to please your partner and giving up 15 minutes for his pleasure isn’t a terrible thing. I found the trick is to act like I am REALLY into it which cuts that 15 down to about 5 and everyone’s happy. :wink:

Well, those are certainly not the magic words I was expecting… :dubious:

I recently found out that my husband has been doing this - just going along to shut me up even if he doesn’t feel like sex. I can’t even begin to explain how bad it can make you feel. If you are good with it, go ahead. But I know right now we are having some problems, and this is not the least of it. Hopefully the fact that you know going in that she doesn’t want to and you are persuading her otherwise will make for a different outcome.

When I am not in the mood, I can usually work my way into it within five minutes. I like that phrase “Cabbage Soup Effect” - it describes perfectly what I thought about it.

I’d give it a try but she’s deaf in one ear and would probably respond with “What?” or “Yeah, in the top drawer, why?” and then things would kind of head off in the wrong direction.

ShelliBean, I’m sorry to say I understand completely both sides of what you’re talking about. Most times I’m indifferent to my wife at best. But occasionally we get all mammally with each other until one of us realizes we’re “being tolerated” for a few minutes and then yeah, it feels really bad.

Good, because I was about to revoke your screen name. :wink:

I’m not a woman, but my girlfriend recently told me that if I want to have sex and she seems like she’s not into it at first, I should try just rubbing it on her enough to get her wet enough to put it in. She said that usually gets her in the mood enough to have sex. My mistake was in trying to be all nice and sensitive by kissing, touching, rubbing, stroking, and avoiding the heavy action areas until I got some positive feedback. She was giving me signals that I thought meant that she didn’t want to have sex when really she just didn’t want the sensitive touching.

Apparently, even after being with her for years I hadn’t figured out that sometimes she’s just not in the mood for foreplay even though she wouldn’t mind having sex. Even though I felt selfish and insensitive for doing it, I tried it a few times and I’ll be damned if she didn’t occasionally get more into it than some of the times I lavished attention on her before doing it. Man, sometimes all that time and effort I spent acquiring my mad horny-making skillz and honing my technique feels wasted. Just put it in and start banging, sheesh.

My SO and I have never said NO to one another…Sex is a gift we share and give to each other. I know how sappy that sounds…but it works for us.
Magic words…Hey baby.

Very occasionally. It’s not pleasant.

Hmmmm what were the magic words? Not that I’d consider this magic or that anything that followed was magical but if you want seriously mess with the relationship just so you can get some…
Why Not?
Did you say no?
I didn’t hear you.
It’s been two weeks. [in reality two days]
Are you seeing someone else?
Why not? [because you know undermined trust can just fuck a relationship up but good]

Fine. Just hurry the hell up.