at the store i see ,on the same shelf and from the same manufacturer, seltzer water and cub soda. according to the label there are the same ingredients, so what is the difference ?
Seltzer water is just carbonated water. Club soda has other ingredients in it. I find club soda to give things a bit of a bitter after taste, so I stick with seltzer water when I need that sort of thing.
No, don’t go yet! I was discussing with kaylasmom this morning the fact that our daughter, who is trying to lose weight, is limiting her intake of even diet soda, because it increases the amount of sodium that needs to be taken out of her system. And that got me wondering:
Carbonated water as used in soft drinks gets its fizz from sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). Is there a potassium bicarbonate, that would have a similar effect (on fizzy drinks) without spelling trouble for people who need to watch their sodium intake?
I’m pretty sure that the bubbles are from carbon dioxide, not sodium dioxide. The sodium is added to enhance flavor–she could drink seltzer and have no extra sodium intake.
Is that a fact? Interesting. 'Cos I’m looking at the label on a can of Shasta Diet cola, and while it shows no sodium-containing products in the ingredient list, it does indicate that a 12-oz can has 45 mg of sodium.
Of course, “natural flavor” can cover a lot of territory, I suppose.
Well, are there any diet colas that use potassium instead of sodium as the flavor enhancer?