Another singing voice question: reedy? raspy?

There’s a style of predominantly male singing voice that catches my ear sometimes. To me, it has an almost buzzy or rattly sound, like a resonator guitar rather than a wood acoustic guitar. Unfortunately the only examples that come to mind at the moment are David Gray and Soren. It’s not buzzy, exactly. I think that ‘husky’ sounds more phlegmy. I thought of it as ‘reedy’, but I’m told that that’s more of a thin, tentative sound. ‘Breathy’ also isn’t the term I’d use for this, since that evokes whispering to my mind.

So what would you call this? Raspy? Is it an innate quality, or a technique?

Grainy? Raspy? I understand the sound you’re hearing and I too am not sure what to call it.

I’m not sure I’m getting it, but to me, the examples you linked to remind me of the singing of Bob Dylan (and of other singers who remind me of Dylan).

I can hear the Dylan part (it’s what we call “nasal” :p) but if I understand the OP, the quality in question is more about the vibrato (ish)tone he has on longer syllables (?)Sorry, I don’t know the correct terminology.