Another Summer Comes to the End MMP

We had our house open all day Saturday, but **FCD **closed it up on Sunday morning, and we’re now going to have a week in or near the 90s, so it will have to remain closed. Can’t wait for open windows again!

Yeah, some of those Subway footers with everything can pack a wallop…

Shopping was limited to the five C’s (celery, carrots, chips, crackers and cookies) and banking was easy. Nappage has been completed and am ready for soccer practice at 5PM and seeing how many of the 12 girls names I remember.

I was hanging out with some friends the other day, and this exchange happened:

New friend: “What are the rules for kosher?”
Jewish friend: “You can only eat mammals that chew their cud and have hooves split into two…”
New friend: “What about chicken?”
Jewish friend: “Chicken’s fine.”
New friend: (puzzled) “But chickens don’t have feet like that at all!”
Me: “Chickens aren’t mammals.”
New friend: “Oh! Right!”


Howdy Y’all! Today I have cleaned the smoker, spiffed da cave a bit (will do more later in the week as folks will be in and out on Sattidy), had some quality cee-mint pond time, and made sup, which we just et up. Tomorrow I shall take care of laundry and sloth around. Beginnin’ Wednesday it gets bzzy. Smokeage, more defilthyfycation of da cave, and mowage must be completed latter part of the week. What fun! Oh and foodstuffs must be purchased and made for Sattidy’s Labor Day weekend feast.

Howdy. I envy you all with actual seasons. Our heat index was 102F here today. Hawt!

I was off today as per my irking on Sat gig. This past Sat was different. I got to irk an hour early and the POS system was not irking. Our servers? Are in Millington, TN. I called the help desk and found out it was at least the SE region and maybe more. I can’t make any sales of tickets without that system. It prints my tickets. The cc system won’t work. I did sell a few movie tix and a hat taking in cash. I tried and did get a vendor to extend our discounted price to the customer. Another vendor could not due to their programs. I had some pretty unhappy customers.

Anyway, I was off today and have been productive. I have done four loads of laundry. Still got the last load in the dryer. I did a spiff on the House and I did not nap. I was up way late last night and up regular time this morning. I must sleep tonight. Back to the grindstone tomorrow.

Happy New Week!

Says the guy who actually likes the fat lady singing. :dubious:

So does a knuckle sandwich. One place around here had it on their menu called that, it was sharp provolone cheese. They also had one called the “Old Italian”; they had another one that was an Old Italian w/ the addition of hard salami…it was called the “Viagra” :smiley:

Last week your were CAC blocked, now this?

I went to get gas last week, they wouldn’t take cash; the attendant said the system was down. Ummm, what system does cash need? I hand you $, you put it in your pocket. :dubious: :rolleyes: :confused:
I could; however, pay the higher price for card.
My phone is abouts to die; keeps spontaneously rebooting itself. I don’t wanna pay for a new phone, or more importantly find the time to set it up. :frowning:
Off to Bust Buy to look at options, though I’m most likely getting a google one.

“Marching band stiff” a typo. Almost as funny as a buddy saying that Beethoven was “decomposing”.

flytrap, in reference to the cucumber, onion and sour cream salad that you make, I make a similar one with no sugar. It was always one of the sours on the table at my grandmother’s when she fixed it.

butters, should you decide to go to Millington to kick some butt, you could always go to the Civil Rights Museum, Staxx Records Museum and Beale Street. :slight_smile:

Irk felt a bit more comfortable today than last week. I’m gradually getting more energy and less sore. Of course, there’s always month end. :stuck_out_tongue:

Was it a club sandwich?

I’ve been here for 4 years and I finally got my tapestry hung up.
I’ve had it for 45 years and it has gone everywhere with me. I would have liked to have put it over the couch but I know the cat wouldn’t leave it alone.

So it is on the wall next to my Amish cabinet and the old kitchen chair from my grandfather’s house, because Amish and Middle Eastern go so well together.

One goes to prison for throwing clothes at one’s Wife, and smacking her with a sandwich?
Mrs. Plant (v.2.0) would get the death sentence.

It does seem a bit excessive.

I would think that if I was going to go to jail for throwing a sandwich I may as well throw a chair, or a cast iron skillet.

I just watched a fun game of ice cube hockey when Nelson found the one that I dropped on the kitchen floor. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol **Sari. **. Truth. I am drugged, Fed, out of beer and off to attempt sleep. My brain hates me.

Ha **Spidey ** all my tech hates me too. Hmmm. Tis quite the coinkydink.

Sari, congrats on getting the tapestry up. I’ve also got lots of things I’ve bought on my travels that I need to put on the walls, maybe this remodel will help get things moving in the right (more decorative) direction.

flytrap, did she smack you with a salami? Ah, baloney…

Red, glad to know you’re feeling better.

Butters,{{{ }}}. Sounds like Murphy has taken up residence in the South of Florida (with a branch office in Tennessee).

Soccer has been coached, did a special goalkeepers clinic after practice, some of the parents said it was the first time that someone had actually shown their kid how to play goal. May do it again later. Mickey’s place provided dinner, and chillage has ensued.

No work on the remodel today, if no one is in tomorrow I’ll contact the builder and ask what’s up. Kitchen floor is done but the bathroom needs tile.

You will have my sandwich when you pry it from my cold, dead hand!

Worked, came home, walked Gordie. Made baked fried chicken, but I cranked the Cayenne this time. :smiley: And the new car is definitely a Carmen.:slight_smile:

Sari, sounds like a cool class.

Good luck with the poodle training, Sticky.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 75 Amurrkin out and dark with a predicted high of 93 and rain/tstorms/apocalypse this afternoon. We shall see. I shall launder today. Rah. Possibly ahrn as well. We shall sup upon sketties ‘n meatballs, sallit, and cheesey garlic bread. Easy Peasy to make and nummy. I also intend to accomplish some amount of sloth. I suppose I should also make a grocery list as well. Adultin’ just never stops does it!

Time for more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day. Double Rah.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

I woke up and thought it was Wednesday this morning. Ugh.

Last night was… interesting. Picture a small cabin in the middle of nowhere with just me, my little girl, and this guy with his 5 or so German Shepherds. He had some helpful advice. He gave me a leash. And he wants us to come back next week free of charge. Fortunately my dad is available to go with us or else I’d be staying home. I don’t feel that I’m one to normally over exaggerate or get creeped out easily, but I really was very apprehensive about the whole thing.

Today - more school. Rah.

There’s a nursery in Leonardtown that advertises its specials right next to the main drag. Today, their sign read “Autumn is in the air.” Now either they have an employee named Autumn who’s flying or they’re insane. The heat index for the next few days is triple digits…

Last night, daughter and SIL had a couple of friends over with their kids, supposedly to clean up the fire pit area in our woods. The kids, ages 8 & 5, apparently had to go to the bathroom twice each in the not-quite-2-hours they were over. Every time they came in, Higgs started barking like crazy, because they’re strangers in her house. And the 5-y/o is a little wuss who’d curl up on the floor when Higgs would bark.

Then the 8-y/o wanted to hang out inside. I was watching Roxy and I wasn’t interested in babysitting another kid. I told her she had to go out with her parents. She hit me with “Why?” Then she came back and did the same thing again. OMG!!! Their mom is a hippie of sorts - all organic and crystals and let’s-talk-it-out who home schools the kids. Did I mention the 8-y/o can’t read??? <headdesk>

I’ve already told my daughter that when they come back, they are to use the bathroom in the basement (which is closer to the yard anyway) and they’ll need to be with an adult because FCD’s machinery is down there and I don’t trust those kids to keep away from things that can hurt them. I know kids will be kids, but when you’re told something, it’s still in effect 10 minutes later, dammit!

Yeah, Happy Tuesday. :stuck_out_tongue:

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to work.

Sticky, good plan. Especially if the guy offered you lotion for your skin.