Another Summer Comes to the End MMP

Thunder, lightning, and rain, yet the weather radar shows nothing. A quiet day today at irk is predicted. Hair cut after work, then home. Dinner will be leftover chopped salad from Portillo’s.

Happy Toosday!

It’s already a humid 72 degrees outside. Supposed to be in the mid 90s and N.O.S. today.
Summer is coming to an end and now it gets hot outside.

I’m sleepy, I woke at 4am and never got back to sleep. I started to drift back off but the cat kept waking me up.

Today somebody is coming out for the annual AC inspection and cleaning.
I wanted my new blinds hung by today, but I think that will not happen.
The front postage stamp needs mowing. As always, today is nail trimming and ear cleaning day.

We also have to figure out how my son is going to handle two projects, one is a group research paper and the other is a Power Point presentation. For the first, are they going to pair him with people in this area? For the second, do we have to drive out to Frostburg?
Both have my son spazzing out.
He is spazzing anyway because of the work load, although I think once he gets back into the groove he will be okay. The music class is going fast at three chapters a week. He has done three chapters already and gotten Bs on the quizzes. He is not happy with anything less than an A. I keep telling him to slow down a little. At least the class is up to DooWop, so soon he should be getting into stuff he recognizes and that may be easier for him. He also needs to ask if the quizzes are open book, being that they are 20 minutes for 10 questions. I would think so.

Anyway, I can only deal with one thing at a time, so time to make some breakfast. Vacuum again before the service person gets here.
Why is it that whenever somebody is coming to the house I see dust and dog hair everywhere, even though I just dusted and vacuumed?

Morning all. Already 77F heading to near 90F again. Rain is not on the schedule before Wednesday. Nothing much planned for today, maybe do some cleanup in the computer room before I become an episode of Extreme Hoarders…

Sticky, pardon my ignorance, but why were you there in the first place? Agree with doggio, sounds creepy.

FCM, 8 years old and can’t read–my heart weeps.

**MetalMouse **- my daughter (yanno, the now-former teacher) tried to tell her friend that the girl needs to learn to read, but apparently her hippy-dippy world outlook doesn’t involve true education. So she’s not just a brat. She’s an illiterate brat. :frowning:

My ex’s Dad’s ex, the mother of his little sisters, was like that. When we split, the girls were 8 and 10 and could only recognise a few letters and the younger knew a couple of numbers. Both perfectly bright kids. They partly lived in the same house as me, but that was part of the issue, they partly lived in multiple houses. My ex’s Dad (who was only actually one of them’s Dad) did try and teach them a bit, but then they’d go off for a week or two, and no-one else even thought about it.

When the older hit 11, secondary school age here, the local authority started making serious noises about adequate schooling. Their mother’s response was to buy a house in, iirc, Croatia and move there with them, because she didn’t want The Man telling her what to do :rolleyes:

The younger one did pop up on Facebook as ‘someone you may know’ a bit ago, one of her major listed interests was ‘reading’. It did look like she’d caught up in the end.

Attempted shoe shopping today. Failed. I’m not sure if I’m just crazy picky, or women’s shoes are generally horrible. My feet are not pointy, and I refuse to wear shoes that squeeze them, but I could do with some warm boots now the weather’s cooling.

I don’t like the pointy shoes either.

Howdy from irk. I have been to the bank for change and am about to start doing what I can toward the end of the month. Boy time flies.

Happy Tuesday all!

MetalMouse, I watch the hoarding shows as inspiration. Although even at my sloppiest, messiest I was never that bad.

I home schooled my son for a year, but he actually made progress. I wasn’t too pleased with the school he was going to. I don’t understand not reading by the age of 8, because in my family we all were reading before we even started school. Except for my son, who is dyslexic, and had problems learning to read. I think he still reads slower than he should, but if he is doing well in college there isn’t much to complain about. It just takes him a bit longer to get through the reading. He works hard for his grades, and it’s why I don’t push for him to get a job.

Yesterday, I had the worst migraine of my life. I couldn’t stand or see straight. I was so nauseated, I threw up my medicine. I had to leave work, and I hate “going home sick.” I laid in bed, with ice on my head, in so much pain. I wanted to cry from the pain, but crying hurt too much. I still have some lingering pain today, but not nearly as bad as it was yesterday. And that pain may be because I didn’t sleep well last night because I took a really long nap in the afternoon, any my pillow felt like a rock (it’s not, but my head was still hurting).

I just need to get through today. Tomorrow, I’m taking a half day to retrieve my daughter from my parents and do some shopping at my happy place… IKEA.

Today is primary day in Florida. I will vote after irk. Right now I am heading out to the grocery store for food. The cupboard is bare here at irk.

Doggio, Ruble, what kind of gentlemen would we be if we if we didn’t assist Sari in getting flytrap’s sammich? Guess we just have to kill him this time; chivalry & all that.
Sorry on the hurty brain bucket, J

That can’t be good.

Remember way back when it was, I think, AT&T advertising going to 4G and they were having a 4G party. I always heard it as orgy party, and I know I was not the only one.

Now a pizza place, I think Papa John’s, is advertising some new pizza combo and the last topping is four cheeses. Every time I hear it I think they are topping the pizza with Lord Jesus.

LUNCH TIME!! And not a minute too soon!

I’ve been doing drawings for Baby Engineer - most were very simple, but one needed a lot of work. I think I’ll take a little break after lunch and get a few things done for Josh - the stuff he needs is pretty simple and straightforward.

My daughter doesn’t want to homeschool Roxy - she thinks the socialization is really important, plus we can supplement anything we think is lacking from the school. I suspect when they finally move, school district will loom large. There are some really good and really awful schools in this county. We shall see how things go in the coming years.

For now, we’re working on patty-cake and peek-a-boo!

{{{Juliet}}} I didn’t have migranes per se, but I used to get headaches that would make me throw up (haven’t had one in many years) so take it easy and rest.

Sari, when the news broke on the radio about the shooting last week at the media game tournament, I kept hearing the announcer saying "gay’ bar. Apparently I wasn’t the only one, because when they came back from break, they clearly enuciated ‘game’ bar.

But I have to admit, a pizza topped with Jesus would be pretty radical…

Nut, I was reading before kindergarten and my parents made sure that brudder and I got many trips to the library in our youth. Keeping a child in willful ignorance…glad it appears at least one broke away.

The tilers are back and working on the shower and bathroom today. Various strange bangings and sawings are being emitted over there, I’ll go take a look about noon, just to show I’m paying attention…

You know how some pizza places put that little plastic ‘table’ in the middle of the pizza to keep the box top from crushing in & having the cheese stick to it? How sacrilegious would it be to make them Jesus shaped?

So your brother’s the smart one? :o

Same here… My Uncle was a teacher, and is a spectacular book hoarder- like 3 bedroom house, floor to ceiling bookcases in all rooms and corridors bar the kitchen and bathroom. Oh, and 3/4 of the collection is out of loan at any one time. He had a bigger kids’ book selection than the city library, he used to run his old school library from his own collection. We had no TV, just read all the time.

Apparently I was a pain in my first year at school; I was the only kid in class who could read already, so when they were doing the flashcards and holding up letters to teach letter shapes and stuff, I was supposed to be playing in the play corner. What I actually did was yell out what letter/word it was before any other kid got the chance to spell it out. Every single time :smiley:

Anyway, off to irk. I don’t so much mind the cleaning job, but I’m looking forward to dropping this one, which I pretty much will be when term starts back up again. 3 hours in the evening somehow just take over the whole afternoon.

Tomorrow morning my mom and I are taking off for a two day drive. We’'ll end up at my cousin’s place for a Thursday visit, having done some sightseeing along the way. Got the snacks and drinks bought. I’m leaving the cat at home but will board the dog because it’s more work for my sisters to come in and walk him. I’ll miss him for all of forty-eight hours but I’m looking forward to the outing.

I work for an ass. Just thought you’d like to know that. :mad:

Saw the psychiatrist this morning, finally. He gave me condolences about my mother. He got me some new sleeping pills, so hopefully those will work.


C’mon, you can’t leave it at just that.