Another Wisconsin Recall Pit: Check out what FoxNation is trying to pin on the Democrats.

Has there been any confirmation of this?

I haven’t seen any.

It’s totally possible that a Walker robo call said something like, “Even if you signed the recall petition, you don’t have to vote for Barrett”. Sometimes people, especially excited people, don’t totally comprehend a message received.

My daughter is working on the polls on the Northeast side of Madison today. Her grandfather did the same throughout the 50’s and 60’s. Kind of neat. She started at 6, but hasn’t called with a report, so maybe she volunteered to stay later.

How is knowing and intentional subversion of the state election process a good thing? Yes, I get it, I want that asshole of a governor gone as much as you do, but the ends don’t justify the means.

Wouldn’t that 119% mean that, if there are 10,000 known registered voters in a district, they expect 11,900? Given same-day registration, that’s not necessarily fraud, if for example there are 15,000 people of voting age in the district.

Hmm, good point. I didn’t quite think that through enough. :slight_smile:

I know this is the pit, but just to clarify: you can no longer vouch for someone on election day in Wisconsin and photo ID is not required to register to vote.

They just clarified that on the news too - same day registration means the potential for greater-than-100% voter turnout.

For starters, the story in Msg#1 requires us to believe that the caller was on a crowded bus, whispering into his cell phone fearing for his life if other people on the bus heard him, and yet was clearly understood under those conditions by the person on the other end of the call (while going undetected by the person next to him on the bus). I don’t see the need to probe beyond that, any more than I see the need to probe beyond the fact that moon-hoax theorists require us to believe that the Soviets somehow didn’t detect and reveal the scam.

Greyhound buses have bathrooms, you know.

Spend a lot of time in Greyhound bathooms, Rover?

Hey, I can’t help it, your mom’s a kinky bitch.

Regardless, it’s still a ridiculous story. Why would he get on the bus rather than contacting authorities? So he can vote for Walker? Reporting, and thereby stopping, these busloads of illegal voters would help his cause a lot more than his single (illegal) vote would.

Think about it. Why is he calling the station? To report the buses so that they’re stopped? That would mean that he would be arrested along with everyone else.

Hell, he more or less admitted that he doesn’t want to stop the buses when he said that he’s planning to vote for Walker. So if he’s not trying to stop the buses, why not? He’s going to allow 100s of illegal votes for Barrett just so that he can get in his 1 Walker vote? What sense does that make?

And how exactly is he planning to vote for Walker? If we assume the story is true, then the other people on the bus must have whatever ID (presumably forged) they need to register at the polls (which is allowed in Wisconsin). So this stealth rider, who just “jumped on the bus” carries around fake Wisconsin ID or utility bills or whatever just in case he finds himself in a situation where they would be useful?

This story reeks of being propaganda. It just makes no sense as a real story.

By the way, she wants me to see if you have the money for that last session. I know that money is tight in the snowmobile business right now, but at this point you’re abusing her charity.

Snowmobiles? I had him pegged for a fireworks stand on the county line.

He’s moving up in the world.

It’s ATV’s actually. Although I think he might move into snowmobiles for the winter months, just to keep a steady paycheck.

You wish. I’m not into that, bro (NTTAWWT).

That’s not what it said on the airport bathroom wall…

So anyway, Walker won.

Please PM me for the address to which you may send your sweet, sweet bitch tears.

You mean it has changed from the glory hole at Blow Buddies Tearoom and Bathhouse?

Why do you consider it an insult to insinuate that someone is a homosexual?