Answered: Was Hal Briston at Woodstock?

Some people don’t like a particular Hal Briston meme, Hal of course being the most obvious of those people, but I continue to live the challenge and love discovering new ways of keeping the meme alive. And this episode comes with a jaw-dropping musical interlude, so who can complain?

I bring you 7:43 - 7:45 of Santana’s kick ass performance of Soul Sacrifice at Woodstock. Far left frame.
WARNING: Link is NSFW due to partial nudity

And while we’re here, holy crap is that an amazing drum solo by the young Mr. Shrieve. To have been there, let alone onstage and building oneself into a singularity of musical magic at the age of 20…that must have been something.

Oh geez, that’s pretty funny.

However, I’ve edited your OP just a bit because there’s some nudity in that video (front and back), so I didn’t want anyone to click on it while at work or school or some other crowded room and have to offer explanations.

They’re hippies. It doesn’t count.

Dammit, damnit, damnit! You have no idea how much you just got my hopes up.

Woodstock '94…I spent Saturday wearing nothing but a pair of sneakers and a strategically-placed fanny pack. I was stopped for photos a thousand times, but unfortunately my camera wound up somewhere in the mud, never to be seen again.

I’ve spent years wishing to find pictures of that day again – run plenty of searches online – but this was before the web really exploded so people weren’t rushing home to put their pics online.

For a second there, I thought someone here might’ve come across one of those long-sought pictures. Damn…

And now that I’ve watched the clip in question…<snerk>…good one.

Why am I totally not surprised to learn this? :smiley: