Antarctica ice cap is growing , not shrinking?

In a recently locked GQ thread I provided the following reply to a statement by the OP

I didn’t quote from the link as I didn’t want to start a debate in GQ but I will now do so.

I’m perplexed that this isn’t getting a lot more attention. Is it time for scientists and Al Gore to stop telling us that the Antarctica ice cap is shrinking ?

I could find no date on the linked article, but it’s got a 2002 copyright on it.

Maybe this has been contradicted by more recent data?

The URL implies it was written on January 18th, 2002.

A January 2002 article from USAToday about a single study that includes this final line:

isn’t really a strong argument in favor of global cooling.

Can you find another, more recent source for the story?

I remember hearing a few years ago that Antarctica is getting colder due to changing wind patterns. IF that’s true, and I don’t know that it is, thicker ice wouldn’t be surprising. Must every piece of ice on Earth get smaller for Al Gore’s theory to be true?

It’s entirely possible that those dry valleys will one day be warm enough to grow cherry trees. This will come in handy for folks who want to cherry pick data.

Climate is not the same as weather, and global climate change is not the same as micro climate change.

An increase in snowfall certainly sounds like it’s getting colder, and might well be true if that snow fall blanketed Florida with ten foot high drifts, but we’re talking about Antarctica here. The only way to get more snow is to have more moisture in the air. The only way to do this is to have a warmer ocean.


As others have said, the article cited was from 2002. More recent data shows that overall, Antarctica is actually losing ice. Also, Greenland is losing ice at three times the rate of Antarctica.

From the IPCC Fourth Assessment: (2007)

The TAR is the IPCC Third Assessment Report.

Although there is disagreement about the future of the Antarctic ice sheet, that does not at all mean that global warming is not real. The details of how global warming will impact different regions are still being studied and debated. There is really no viable debate about whether global warming is occurring - it is - despite the on-going scientific discussions of what is likely to happen at the regional scale.

That is not the issue I want to present. Is the Antarctica ice sheet shrinking or not?

There’s a lot of buzz on google (if you look for it) suggesting the ice cap here is actually growing but all I can reference to is blogs refering to studies, that were reported in 2005 and more recently by Hannity who I’ve heard of but assume he’s not highly respected around here.

The gist of the matter as I can best understand it, is that most of the popular scientific studies and claims for Antarctica shrinking center on the peninsula and ignore the rest of the continent. In fact I’ve also read that global warming is responsible for increased precipitation resulting in the mass of the overall ice sheet to increase.

That was my understanding (to whatever extent). Antartica is a desert because it’s simply too cold for precipitation to reach the center and snow which does get there doesn’t melt and return to the atmosphere. If it’s snowing enough in Antartica for there to be a notable increase in the thickness of the interior, that’d seem to support a warming theory rather than detract from it. Especially combined with the melting of some ice shelves on the edges.

To me, that suggests Hannity is trying to discredit global warming theories by reporting the Antarctica information out of context. But maybe I’m too suspicious. :rolleyes:

Ok, and for some real data rather than my guesses… Here’s an abstract from the June 2007 Journal of Climate ("Increasing Antarctic Sea Ice under Warming Atmospheric and Oceanic Conditions. ") which I dug up with my college’s journal search engine.