Anti-Gay Phone Company ?!

I think my opposition to illegal business practices and slandering competitors are pretty important ethical violations.

Using anti-gay rhetoric to sell their services is purely vile and contemptible. I’m sure 40 years ago they would have been asking if it scared them that Negroes might have been able to drink from Whites Only drinking fountains.

Misrepresenting their oppostion is dishonest and hypocritical coming from Christians. If they are. I’d have to listen to the clips again.
You seem to be assuming a lot about both scenarios. Where’s the evidence that this company opposes the first amendment and wants to institute a theocracy?
Who’s to judge if this is better or worse than a company that poisens our enviorment perhaps even killing people in the process? You evidently.

My point was that Christians have an equal right to support certain companies and not support others, the same as I do.

Espescially contemptible coming from a company that promotes what it claims to be moral practices. I’ll have to look again. Is there evidence of lies or just rumors of lies?

You may believe so. It is their right to support the moral and political agaenda they feel is appropriate. If we really knew the practices of many companies we support by our patronage we’d have few places left to shop. Fortunately our ignorence saves us the moral embaressment.

I may not agree with them and I have the right to actively oppose their agenda, but I have the moral obligation to support their right to do so.

It’s right in the phone calls. Did you listen to the things? When the guy says there’s a separation of church and state, the guy says “that’s one interpretation,” in a tone of voice that clearly implies he disagrees.

Nobody here has said that Christians don’t have a right to support Christian companies. We’re simply laughing at a guy making fun of the company for being full of shit. You seemed to have missed the facts, the theme, and the tone of this thread.

Excellent point. Too bad nobody in this thread said anything like whatever you think you’re arguing against.


Its a sales ploy. That’s all.

Um. Yoou are full of shit.

They are using propaganda to sell their services.

You are either a moron with poor reading comprehension or yet another apologist lackey.

The problem for me was that the callers were leading the operators with such absurdities that it’s hard to tell what the company supports and doesn’t support. When a potential customer is making outrageouos and idiotic statements you don’t confront them if you want their buisiness. There are some pretty outrageous comments from the operators. So, from “thats one interpertation” you conclude that they want a draconian theology. well, 'thats one interpertation.

No I haven’t missed it. Since it’s an open forum I don’t have to agree or participate in the same way. PArt of that 1st amendment thing I guess. I know you’re all for that.
I’m not a fundie fan by any means. The bashing and making fun of gets out of hand and ridiculous. It cracks me up when people who eagerly critisize become as big a jackass as the group they’re jumping on and can’t see it. I see I was wasting my time trying to make a rational point.

I see, I guess I misunderstood your comments on the first amendment. :rolleyes:

In case it has excaped you in however long you’ve been shopping in America. EVERYBODY, uses propaganda to sell there services. If they are useing outright lies to sell their services thats another issue. They may be, and I’ve already commented on that.

I’m not in favor of the fundie agenda. I’m also not in favor of mindless irrational bashing of some person or group that doesn’t agree with me. You’re welcome to play in this litter box of a thread if you like.

Yes, you did.

It wasn’t a litter box until you got here. Has anybody mentioned that you can’t spell for shit? “chooseing”. “there” for “their.” “useing.”

So what? And do you plan to return to this thread, or have you decided to crap all over this forum in addition to Great Debates?

When you’re either clueless or simply don’t care that they are marketing their product using prejudice, what hope is there for you or anyone willing to use their services?

Maybe I’ll open a telephone company for those that beat up niggers ? Or a news company that markets warmongering and the republican agenda ? Oh sorry… been done already.

I’ll admit a mistake if I made one, PLease explain what led you to believe they support a draconian theocracy? You commented on “thats one interpertation”
There is in fact a legitimate arguement about what the parameters of the 1st amendment are pertaining to church and state. That statement is not enough to draw the conclusion you drew.
Exactly how did I misunderstand you?

Is that so? I tried to make one simple point and got jumped on because I didn’t join in the bashfest. I thank you for not going immediately to name calling like Mockingbird did. I sincerely didn’t understand the first comment you made about the first amendment. It wasn’t sarcasm.

I strongly disagree with this “chirstian” company’s stance. If they are lieing to promote business then they should get their ass sued. I see a lot of mindless bashing going on the SDMB where people love to jump on the band wagon for their favorite cause and make irrational and inaccurate arguements. It’s a pet peeve of mine. Perhaps you are not one of the mindless throng. I hope not. That group is large enough.

BTW, My understanding of the SDMB unofficial guidelines is that it’s considered bad form and feeble to criticize someone’s spelling. Thats why I didn’t mention your “draconioan” error. :wally

I’m wondering what hope there is for rational dialogue with you. Little by the evidence so far.

It so happens I do care and already said I don’t support their agenda.

I have good friends and family who are conservative christians and are wonderful people. I don’t agree with their postion on gay marrage or abortion but I know they’re not idiots or assholes. It’s that assumption about people who disagree with you that I find just as offensive as anything the fundies are doing.

With this particular fellow? Not so much. That being said…

About those particular issues, yeah, actually, they are idiots and assholes. Being in favor of restricting the rights and freedoms of others, rights and freedoms that have no direct bearing on one’s own life in any way, on the basis of what one thinks some old book supposedly says, is both idiotic and assholery.

How sad that you think people actively campaigning against equal justice under the law are on par with people who think they’re assholes for doing it.

You are such a predictable little bitch.

Your poker face must only extend to your card playing.