Anti-God...or are they?


What Would Kirk Do?

I prefer WWYD:

What Would YOU Do?

Isn’t that one of the main points of Atheism? :wink:

Normally I’m an easy going kind of person. Laid back, no worries. I’m also one of these so-called Atheists who, aparently, have no recourse or right to defend themselves against the endless tide of Christian (not religious, but Christian) oppression in these Unites States of America.

Due to a “Darwin” fish I had a window smashed out in my car. The fish was then ripped off the bumper in thrown into the vehicle.

We live in a society where the ten commandments are posted in our Courtrooms. EVERYTHING is steeped in this religious culture…from money to elected officials to children roaming the streets trying to convert you. We have endless missionary assults on other cultures in the name of aide and salvation.

At EVERY TURN there is a Christian church.

Let us just be honest for a moment. We live in a Christian society. Our leaders are christian and our government is christian. Americians believe in the Christian god. Great. Fabulous. I wholeheartedly encourage you to have faith in your beliefs. I have faith in my beliefs. Outside of not converting my tormented soul, you have won. You rule the free world.

What more do you want? You act as if YOU are the downtrodden ones, YOU are the ostricized ones because a small handful of people choose not to believe in your system because it is, in their opinion, incompatible with their own beliefs.
Yes, some of them are vocal about it. That RIGHT is being undermined everyday due to the religious furvor building in this country.
I am honestly sick of so many Christians whinning about Atheists bashing on their religion. How often does it happen, especially when compared to these Christians bashing on everything and everybody else? Especially compared with the invasive and destructive nature of the missionary christian church. It is like kudzu or killer bees. How many lives, cultures, ethnic groups and belief systems over the years have been destroyed and corupted by the Christian Church?
There is no way to count that number.

Hey, but I don’t hate you guys. I respect your individual right to worship as you see fit.

I’m not trying to sound like a martyr. All I ask is to let me live my theological life as I see fit as long as it doesn’t break the law. Why is that so difficult?


Well, it is difficult to put this type of thing down on paper, so feel free to quote it and rip it apart at will.
My main point is love thy brother, I guess. I’m trying, but damn some of you make it difficult!

I think I’m agnostic, but I’m not sure.
My fiancé is militantly atheist.
My roommate is praying for both our souls every Sunday.


About the Jesus Fish, somebody mentioned avoiding businesses that display it prominently. It reminded me of a certain business I have seen in Longview, TX - I believe the sign says

Quite frankly, I’d only hire them if they’d put a little less trust in God and a little more in their working methods. I get a picture of the Orkin man standing in my living room crying out for Jesus to cast out the spirits of these roaches that have abominated this household, Oh Lord…

So many people have been killed in the name of “god”, so many wars have been fought because of religious beliefs, so much pain and anguish caused by “servants” of whatever “lord”.

Most organized religion is a curse upon the world. It tends to breed hatred and ignorance. These are two things I would like to see the world do without. I feel that if we can give up belief in the silly superstitions that people made up thousands of years ago we will be better off as a society. Less anger, less hatred, less abuse, less death.

If there is a god, I hope I someday to meet it. In the meantime I’ll try to do what I can to make the world a better place - guided by rational thought, knowledge and objectivism - not superstition, fear, and closed minds.

DaLovin’ Dj

One day while my car was parked at the mall, someone drew a Jesus fish on my trunk in the dust to express their Christianity. I gave it feet.

I have never, ever, thought of drawing a Darwin fish on someone else’s car to express atheism.

And by the way, I may be an athi, but I doubt I am the athi-est of them all.

I could be wrong, but I believe alibey was referring to this page on my web site.

Most mainstream faiths have accepted the reality of evolution, haven’t they? In that case, just because your car sports a Darwin fish doesn’t mean you’re an athiest.

I never considered the Darwin fish to be an expression of athieism. I thought it was simply a response to the percieved creationist leanings of those that sport the ichthys. But any Christian can put a fish on their car. They don’t have to be creationist to want to witness in that manner.

So it’s possible for one car to have a Darwin fish and another to have an ichthys, and they’re both driven by Christians who accept evolution. In fact, you could put both symbols on the same car!

Makes the whole argument kind of silly, in my opinion.

Heh. If they did that, I would probably hire them just to see it. Kinda like a insect exorcism.

“Get thee behind me, demon roaches!”


I am non-religeous. I don’t really believe in God. But I don’t care what other people believe. If believing in God improves their lives then it’s a good thing.
I can, however understand why people would want to flame about god-believers. They are of the opinion that religeon is the cause of all the world’s problems. They are not internaly conflicted, they just think there is a problem in the world and this is their way of fighting it.

I am of the opinion that religeon (while having good intentions, and lots of good points) does cause a lot of the world’s problems. But that is only an opinion so don’t bite my head off. I won’t bite yours off for believing in God.

You can believe that the world is flat for all I care. As long as that belief doesn’t cause you to do something that would bother me. I.e. killing people who think the world is round.

I stand whooshed.


lobley makes some good points here.
Is it the “belief in God” (in whatever form) which causes the world’s problems, or is it the actions of the people who believe in God which causes the world’s problems?

I was raised Roman Catholic but no longer participate. My current religious opinion could best be described as “agnostic atheist” - I don’t know whether or I not I believe in God, but I don’t see how the existence or non-existence of God affects my day-to-day life. This may strike some people as a rather weaselly attitude, but it works for me. I have always had a problem with people who equate “I believe that …” with “You must believe that …” or who think that their opinion on an issue is sufficient to establish that opinion as the only truth (whether it relates to God, art, food, or choice of pets).

I am more than willing to discuss almost any issue with almost anyone. The key word in that last sentence is discuss; if you start off by telling me that you are not interested in my opinion, or that the only reason you are talking to me is to explain why my opinion is wrong, the conversation ends there.

Sure, I’m anti-God. What’s that fat creep done for me lately?

Wait, can you still say “fat”?

I disagree. People don’t kill each other because of religion, they kill each other because people are cruel, angry, greedy, and violent. If mankind had never conceived of religion, we’d still be doing the same shit, we just need a different excuse for it.

Maybe once all of the excuses are gone people will have to face up to the truth.

DaLovin’ Dj

A little thought exersize for the agnostics in the house: go to After perusing its many delights, ask yourself, “If I am unable to convince this wacko of his whacko-ness, does that make him right?”
To quote the Big Man (Carl Sagan): Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Witnessing is kind of useless, when you think about it from a scientific standpoint. Since the existence of a personal God can be disproven by a history lesson, any claim of the existence of a personal God must first prove there is such a thing, without resorting to Biblical quotes or emotional appeals, or be cast into the Gunge! (lookitup)

by racinchikki:

You know that most businesses in Longview which display the fish are run by members of Longview Baptist Temple, right?

I’ve heard that LBT has armed guards at the doors so that nobody leaves…I’ve been too chickenshit to actually find out for myself, though.


That is true. An example is the Hundred Years War. Fought of land, nothing more, nothing less. Hell, the English and the French were all Catholic at that point. That is a long time to fight over the French countryside.

However, religion does seem to pop up often when looking at the nature of war. Sometimes it is one of the main factors, other times it is more of a catylist. It is rarely the sole cause, but it is often there, somewhere. But, I don’t think it is fair to blame “religion” when you are really blaming human nature.

The thing that is infuriating about some Christians is the relentless missionary capacity they subscribe to. As far as the religion itself goes, it’s not bad. Really, none of them are. But, when you get a group of people together who are bound and determined that their way is the ONLY way, it gets dangerous.
Then, when they don’t get what they want they act persecuted.
I don’t think so, buddy. At least not in western countries where christianity is dominant (an where so many of the complaints originate from).
That is what drives me batty! Please stop!

You are not being persecuted because the 10 commandments aren’t posted in every courtroom in America (although they are in many, 'specially down here in the South).

You are not being persecuted because the administration/teachers at public schools cannot lead children all all races and religions in christian prayer.

You are not being persecuted because there shouldn’t be “In God We Trust” signs on the lawns of said public instituations.

You are not being persecuted because you swear on a bible in court.

You are not being persecuted because there is a masque or synagouge in your town.
It is this kind of thing:
that is maddening. This is ignorance and hatred…

Whoa, obi! Your starting to get all worked up again. Better take a breather…pant, pant, pant.

I had a Darwin fish on my car, and it was indeed ripped off and stolen while I was parked somewhere.

My solution was to buy one of the window-clings so that it couldn’t be removed. (This time I got the Evolve fish with a wrench and feet.) I also added two bumper stickers… one that says “God was my copilot, but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him.” and another (a gift from a customer at work who liked my car) that says “Jesus is coming… look busy.” I am living on the edge.

For what it’s worth, I haven’t been harassed yet, but I have had people in parking lots compliment me or ask if I’ve taken any crap for it (while saying they liked them.) Apparently there are a few more closet non-believers around here than I thought.

I am usually of a live-and-let-live mentality, but once an Xian (or anyone) starts to harass me or make an attempt to convert me, they are fair game. So yeah, I can get pretty nasty… but not unprovoked. :slight_smile: