Anti-Semitism on College Campuses

I certainly won’t say that “everyone with a beef gets his own country.” Without even bringing in the Americans who wanted one so they could keep their slaves, there’s the current ones who want a racially pure theocracy. Nopes all around.

There’s the impractical and unnecessary ones too. The Cherokee deserve full rights as Americans, and all reparations in the form of assistance achieving that. Giving them North Carolina and northern Georgia would be impossible. (Plus that would deny the city of Atlanta to the African Americans, who’ve proven there that they can make a place for themselves as Americans if they’re given an honest chance). The same with the Dalits of India. Just take the feet off their necks and help them prosper in their mutual homeland.

But that doesn’t work in Israel and Palestine. The only opposition to the two state solution are the extremists who stand to profit from hate and suffering.