Ok, so we knew it was coming what with the Lefties and the Righties threads. I was always left-handed as a kid. I batted, shot pool, ate, wrote, everything left-handed. Then I went to Kindergarten, where my lovely teacher decided it was against her god’s plan for the world to have left-handed people in it and began a systematic *abuse-enriched de-programming for me to become right-handed. She succeeded, to a degree. I write and eat right-handed. Basically, only the things over which she could have had direct control. I still bat left-handed, I am goofy-footed when I skate, shoot pool left-handed and sometimes, if I am not paying attention, will start writing left-handed. The writing is indistinguishable from my right-handed writing until someone (and it always happens) says “oh, wow, I never knew you were left-handed!”
So, who else is ambidextrous?
*when she would see me using my left hand, she would berate me and if she was close enough hit my hand with a ruler. She was a hateful, spiteful, surprisingly young bitch of a teacher.