Any "Black Company" Fans in Here?

Just askin’. Started reading Soldiers Live yesterday, and although very interesting thus far, I have noticed a couple things that don’t seem to match with the previous book, Water Sleeps. Very uncharacteristic of Glen Cook, as he normally has a pretty good attention to continuity.

Probably my favorite series of fantasy books still.

I prefer his Garrett mysteries.

But, I have Watersleeps. Havn’t read it yet. Was it good?

I, too, kept waiting for more Garrett, but he never materialized. The Black Company was okay, but the continuity is a bit choppy, and I always feel compelled to read a book series in order; the bookstores never seem to have the whole set. So I read one or two of the “trilogies” that go together, then I let it slide.

I to like the Garrett books, but have been unable to find half of them.

Water Sleeps is really good - reading about the guerilla tactics they engage in is pretty neat, and Cook gives a lot of answers to long-troubling secrets. You finally find out what Khatovar really is, where the Black Company really came from, and wht their true original goal was.

Jeeze - I really can’t type, can I?

A friend at work and I have been big Glen Cook fans for several years. I bought him Soldier’s Live for his birthday and he just let me borrow it back. His take was that it was more a return to older Black Company stories after a kinda ‘side trip’ with the last one or two.

I agree with both of you that the Garrett novels are both enjoyable AND hard to find. Unfortunately, Cook did most of his writing much earlier in his and MANY of his books have gone out print. Through searching the used book stores carefully I’ve managed to pick up some of his stuff. Hopefully, if Soldier’s does well they’ll start some reprints.
