Any Brit Dopers Watch "Edwardian Country House?"

Has it been shown yet? How was/is it? Sounds like lots of fun, and I do hope an American PBS station picks it up right quick.

I’m afraid I didn’t watch it, but I can confirm that it has been shown. As far as I picked up, I think a couple of people walked out and there was tension in the servants rank. Should be a good watch if you’re into that sort of thing.

Hi Eve!

Yeah I watched it religiously and I definitely recommend it. Most people agreed that in many ways it was even better than the 1900s and 1940s house because it involved people that were strangers initially and because the whole ‘upstairs/downstairs’ dynamic was very entertaining. Basically the main strength of the programme was the people involved – they all took their roles very seriously and had effectively turned into Edwardians at the end, particularly the ‘upstairs’ contingent who didn’t want to leave at the end. It’s worth watching for the camp histrionics of the wonderful Mr Edgar (the butler), the antics of the rather handsome hall-boy, Kenny (who now has his own fan website), and watching the lord of the manor, Sir John, becoming more and more snooty as time went on. Oh, and don’t forget the mad French chef.

It’s was a must-see, basically, hilarious and though-provoking at the same time.

I watched one episode when I was visiting England last month, and it looks great: the lady’s maid seemed to be enjoying herself, but the under servants were in rebellion. They couldn’t keep a scullery maid (seeing what those poor girls had to put up with, I’m not surprised), and one of the footman (the previously mentioned Kenny?) was intending to do violence to the butler.

I can’t wait for this show to get to the States so I can see the rest of it.

Can’t wait to see it, I really didn’t enjoy the U.S. “Pioneer House” this last year. We got “1900 House” here—which I loved—but for some reason “1940 House” has not been shown in the U.S.

I would never for a minute consider participating in those shows, but they are fun to watch . . .

The butler was VERY strict and pro-hierarchy at the beginning but he changed his mind at the end, IIRC. The servants bickered like anything but grouped together against the common enemy: upstairs.

I wish they’d show 1940s house here.

I wish they’d produce a 1940s house here. I’d be all over that like … uh… something that is enthusiastically all over something.