After many years on this forum and, of course, elsewhere on the web, I can’t help but feel that this forum’s software is starting to look and feel dated. Besides that, it lacks some features other modern discussion software offers such as simple upvotes and threaded replies.
Ultimately, it’s the content and community that brings me back, but I think other places on the web have fleshed out more usable ways to view said content.
It looks like this forum is 2 major versions behind on vBulletin itself. If the SDMB must remain in that ecosystem, is there any chance of it moving to a newer version, adopting other features, or at least investigating a more modern stylesheet to apply to the site?
I’d be opposed to upvotes (let’s not turn SDMB into facebook please) or threaded replies (hate that shit). The main thing that’s in need of fixing around here is the search engine. I’d like a more powerful search engine with more flexibility. One that gives results that match what you searched for. One that doesn’t paralyze the server if a couple dozen people are simultaneously searching. One that the Admins didn’t disable search requests on until 2 minutes after your last search for fear of flooding the server. Etc.
You can have threaded replies. It’s an option under User CP when you choose Edit Options. Scroll down and look for Thread Display. There is a drop down menu with choices.
Just remember to hit save to lock in your changes.
Actually, keep even the whiff of Facebook away from this place. I like Slashdot moderation… on Slashdot. Frankly, this place needs nothing of that at all. We have posts, we have moderators, we have ignore lists… more than adequate.
No way. The fact that one can change fonts, fonts sizes or the color of words is too much freedom. And smileys make me :mad:.
EDIT: I’m not a big fan of editing either.
Hi Dopers - I’d hoped to attract the attention of SDMB admins, people-in-charge, or people who can answer my questions or expand my understanding (thank you IvoryTowerDenizen).
Perhaps those of you with opinions about what you would and would not like to change could start a different thread to debate the merits of various features.
Forums are about the discussion. Anything that facilitates discussion is good. Anything that turns it into a social event is not.
If the plain, old-school, discussion-first presentation here turns off or drives away any particular segment of netizens…good. They have the other 99% of the net to go biff, bam, boom, admire or choose a fancy interface skin, vote, upthumb, downthumb, avatar, video, wryt n txtspk LOL, and generally communicate in entire messages of one breath or less.
The SDMB runs on vBulletin 3.8.7, a maintenance release from February, 2011.
vBulletin v3 was first released in 2004.
vBulletin v4 was first released in 2009.
Considering the state of web technology and the myriad devices we use to interact with it, there’s probably more bleeding from running on a 10+year-old platform than there would be from running on a platform’s latest, stable release.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Quite a few businesses still run COBOL because it’s stable and it does the job. No need for a young whippersnapper change when the old fart system works just fine for its intended purpose. If you want la-dee-da go for it with Facebook. Nothing beats a well worn, oak, coffee stained chair over a 21st century extruded plastic chair any day.
On the question of upgrading to a newer version, no. We were hacked about a year and a half ago due to a vulnerability in the vBulletin software version we had at the time. Sun-Times IT management went to some trouble to establish the most secure stable version of vB. They determined it was the one we subsequently upgraded to and use now. Unless some new vulnerability comes to light, they’re not budging. Are there problems with what we’ve got? Some, but basically it works and no sense fighting battles you can’t win. Sorry.
So what? Forum technology matured somewhere in that range. I know; I ran several using a variety of platforms back to FidoNET. The only “enhancements” since then are pretties and socialist media features. Neither are useful nor wanted here.
I have no problem using this forum pretty much the way I like it on any browser from my desktop to my phone. Some prefer the Tapatalk app, but I haven’t found any need for it on a larger, glass-screen phone.
You are, you realize, basically complaining that the SDMB isn’t like the other 99% of the net, and in that, you are absolutely correct. What you don’t seem to grasp is that it’s different - that it has chosen not to change - by choice.