Most babies – my one-year-old included – are more “advanced” in some areas than in others. For instance, my Charlie is extremely verbal and communicative. However, he’s on the slow end of most of the gross motor skills. He just started crawling (after a couple months of scooting on his stomach), and he’s nowhere near walking.
Is there any research on whether these differences during infancy and toddlerhood are predictors of the person’s strengths and weaknesses as an adult?
Are my dreams of being a father who applies unbelievable, traumatic pressure on my quarterback son misplaced? Should I resign myself to the possibility that – like both his parents – he may end up a … gasp … LAWYER?
I don’t have any concerns about his development – I have heard enough stories like “my brother didn’t walk until he was 18 months old and now he’s fine.” I’m not worried about “fine” (or anything else). Just curious about whether it is possible to predict something more.
(In the absence of research, I loves me some anecdotes.)