Any EMG doctors/techs out here?

Just have a quick question for you EMG experts: are there any websites that will give the normal ranges for EMG readings? I just had an EMG done for carpal tunnel and the doc says they’re the wierdest results he’s seen in 20 years. I just want to see the parameters myself to see what he’s talking about before I see the neurologist. (Thanks, guys!)

IANAD, but I just had an EMG done. (Mine was mostly normal, but I refused part of the test because I was already in some pain.)

I would actually advise that you not worry about “normal” results versus your own. There could be any number of reasons why yours turned out the way they did. I would seriously let the neurologist explain your test results vis a vis whatever is within normal limits.


:slight_smile: Thanks, Robin, but I’m not worried, I’m just curious. After years of suffering with a different medical problem, I realized that (1) a smart patient should do their homework, and (2) sometimes doctors screw up. I’m just curious, that’s all. And I still want those figures!!!

I did a Google search (using “electromyography results” as my search terms), and I couldn’t find anything for humans involving hard data, as in “this is normal, and this is not”, leading me to believe that interpretation of the results involve at least some judgment on the part of the physician. I found lots of “if the test is normal, there’s nothing to worry about, but here’s a whole list of stuff that could be the problem if the test isn’t normal.”

All of that aside, however, you do have one other option. You are perfectly free to request a copy of the EMG doctor’s report, and have him explain it to you. The downside (at least when I asked my doc) is that he doesn’t have all the facts about your situation, and might not be willing to give an answer that you’re looking for. I commend you on your desire to do your homework, though.

Other than that, I don’t know what to tell you.


Robin, you’re an angel for looking! :slight_smile:

I actually spent several days looking through the 'net for the answers with no success (although I admit I didn’t use your terminology, you clever thing you!). I would have asked the hand surgeon to sit down and explain the numbers, but he looked so tired that I didn’t want to press it (I asked his nurse – aparently he does 6-7 surgeries a day and then appointments all the rest. No wonder!).

He’s sending me to a neurologist anyway (which is next week) so I’ll ask the neuro. I did get a copy of the EMG (I get copies of everything), so I was just hoping for parameters to compare them.

But the way things stand now, I have 9 out of the 10 carpal tunnel symptoms, but the clown who did the EMG was so dismissive and kept pressing on PT instead (which, conveniently enough, his own office does) that I’m not giving up. A few years ago, I had a bad thyroid problem, and I’ve learned to listen to symptoms, check figures, and realize that doctors screw up too!


Robin: By the way, whatever happened re: your CTS? Did you do the surgery? Is the issue still ongoing?

I don’t have CTS. My neuro (who I saw first and who referred me for the EMG) wanted to rule it out. I’ve got a condition called Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, which isn’t really a surgical problem. On top of that, I’ve got congenital neck problems that aren’t helping matters. Thank God for muscle relaxers! :slight_smile:


Eek – hope it isn’t too painful or debilitating! And that the muscle relaxers work well! :slight_smile: