Any good books about the Rome's transition to Empire?

Can you recommend any good books about Rome’s transition from Republic to Empire? What did you read, and what did you think of it?


On that particular topic no, sorry. I’d actually like to see a recommendation on that myself.

But since I’m wandering by I’ll put in a plug for The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire, From the First Century A.D. to the Third by Edward Luttwak ( 1976, John Hopkins University Press ) which I was recently re-browsing through ( can’t really say I was re-reading it, more skimming a few chapters :wink: ). Recommended if you are interested in ancient military history.

  • Tamerlane


Doghouse, why don’t you check your local U and see what the profs are using for their ancient history courses. I remember some guys like a Peter Green, or is it Grant, that keep coming out with new books on them olden times. I am sort of surprised that no Doper has yet come to your immediate rescue, as there are definitely superior beings on the Boards regularly. I second your bump.

Peter Green is more Hellenistic period history, I believe. His fairly massive Alexander to Actium, The Historical Evolution of the Hellenistic Age is a must read.

I did some ( brief ) poking around and I didn’t come up with much. But you could try looking at Appian’s Roman History Vol. 4, The Civil Wars, The Last Generation of the Roman Republic by Erich Gruen ( this one looks interesting, I might pick it up myself ) ), and Roman Political Life, 90B.C.- 69A.D. ed. by Timothy Peter Wiseman.

I’ve read none of the above, but it’s a start :slight_smile: .

  • Tamerlane

There’s one called From the Gracchi to Nero that I liked. Um… there are others, but I’m having a block right now…
