Any guys out there buy or try on Levis 527 low-rise boot cut jeans?

I’m just curious. I went to a Levis Only store recently and tried on a pair, and somehow they just didn’t feel like real Levis. I don’t mean just the cut, which is obviously different, but the material itself just didn’t seem to have that same, comforting sturdiness that you find in their more traditional styles.

On the other hand, to be fair, this was a greatly pre-faded pair so maybe the denim was worn out by whatever they do to make them look old.
Anyone else had these observations?

What makes them boot cut?

What makes them low-rise? Are guys now going for the belly-button, thong revealing look? And if so, may I say I’m going to be looking forward to summer a little less eagerly from now on?

Perhaps it’s their “featherweight” fabric? Not sure if that’s the actual name, but they do have a lighter weight denim that’s claimed to last just as long as the regular stuff.

Boot-cut just means the bottoms are a little wider, to fit over boots or chunky athletic shoes. But they don’t really look flared. That’s another feature that potentially appeals to me, BTW. Ordinary 501’s have a tendency to bunch up around the ankle area of athletic shoes, making them look wayyy too short even when they’re not.

Low rise just means they sit lower on your waist. Yes it could be an extreme fashion statement with a bare midriff and a belly-button ring but worn with an ordinary shirt they ought not to be too bad.

I’m not sure that I really need a pair of low-rise jeans. I have a hard enough time keeping the ‘coin slot’ closed while wearing a pair of regular jeans. No need to make it a coin canal.

I thought they’d be more comfortable in the summer–you know, when you don’t want to wear shorts but an inch less heavy denim around the waist might feel cooler. I’m in pretty good shape so I wouldn’t have to worry 'bout the old ‘coin slot’.

FTR where I said “lower on the waist” I mean, for most, about an inch lower. They’re not like the extreme low-rise pants that some women are wearing.

What’s the old ‘coin slot’?

It’s where you pay the plumber…
