Any Landscape Architects in the House?

I’ve been searching for a new career, and I’ve gotten interested in Landscape Architecture, or some variation thereof. Are there any Landscape Architects hanging around these boards? I got a whole lot of brain-pickin’ to do. :smiley:

IANALA but here are some links that may be of interest.

Landscape Architecture: What is it?
The Practice of Landscape Architecture: “It’s like being sodomized by rabid badgers”

Newsgroup- alt.landscape.architecture

IIRC, Jophiel is something like that. Might drop him an email as he doesn’t seem to wander by too often anymore.

A land use planner, here. I took several landscape architecture courses, along with courses in urban design. I went the land use route because I didn’t have the artistic bent that successful landscape architects have. Instead, I look at the macro-environment (in my case - regional planning issues). Drop me a line if you’d like some more info.

astro, how could I resist a career described as: “…It’s like being sodomized by rabid badgers”? :eek:

Thanks for the info, people. plnnr, an email will be forthcoming.

I do to come by here, I’m just really lazy. So there.

Actually, I’m a landscape design estimator which means that I take others’ designs and put a price to what they propose to do. However, you can’t do estimating for long and not get a clue as to how landscape architecture works. And I have taken some classes and work with some great people. So, do feel free to drop me a line if you want. Whatever I can’t answer, I’d be glad to pass along to to professionals.

Oh, and in Illinois at least, there’s a big difference between landscape designer and landscape architect. Any person can call themselves a designer, an architect has to have a degree (I believe IL calls for a Masters) in Landscape Architecture and be licensed by the state. The upshot is that if you want to call yourself an LA, be ready to be in school for a while.

I should mention that despite the “design” in my title, the people I work with are bona fide LAs.

*Astro referred to *

[slightly OT]

Uhhhh … why did you refer to a site that’s dead, and not my site, another built environment portal (which started in 1994, BTW) which, unlike the VLA, is still maintained and chock full of landscape architecture info?

Grrrrrrrrr …

I am also not a landscape architect, but I know some people who are. It is an ambitious field which requires perseverance and a degree and possibly some internship. I understand that it doesn’t pay all that well in general.

The worst thing about any architecture is catering to needs of idiot clents who can’t make up their minds. Wow, that’s not very nice is it?